Message from @Heinrich
Discord ID: 406870171207073813
The early Christians might have all been Jews, mongrels and slaves but Christianity is ***WHITE***
Christ said these words & expelled Merchants!
They just wanted to get rid of the gays, even though a number of European groups already had
St Sebastian no
All church fathers said to persecute and hate jews but thats non of my buisnesz
Turn the other cheek
@MACrusader lol lots were Jews
They also preach universalism
🤔 🤔 🤔
@MACrusader turn the other cheek
The lions are still hungry
@Sean1488 is taken out of context
Let me shitpoast in peace
As if neopagans dont preach the exact same universalism
Yeah the Church is okay with racemixing and condemns groups which lobby on an ethnic basis but Christianity is ***white***
Neopagans do the exact same thing
@MACrusader Wiccans I guess? The original pagans didn't. The Gothic kind Recceswinth burned race mixers alive until the Christians made them stop.
Kike on a pike
The original Christians did not preach racemixing lol shit tier lvls of reeee
It's not like the Jews hated whites it's not like they destroyed the statues of Roman statesmen or anything
Dude the shitskins in Argentina are Christians those are our brothers @Heinrich
@MACrusader They actually forced the Goths to accept miscegenation in Spain lmfao
They also said that the mexicas had souls and let the Spaniards marry the natives here
They also converted them because the pope was butthurt of killing them
All of you just remebered korgoth of Barbaria exists and it only got one episode
Here's a bust of Germanicus the Christians defiled
Not only that, but in 392 once Rome was christianized The emperor forbade all ancient Non Christian rituals, calling them gentilicia superstitio, superstitions of the Gentiles.
"Christians didn't preach racemixing disregard the fact that the ethiopian church is ancient as fuck"
Not all European peoples are racially equal either And I doubt you can claim they didn't advocate miscenegation in that respect either
@Krieg Yeah they *definitely* didn't try and convert the Jews and integrate them into society during the Spanish inquisition or anything.
Conversos are pure white Heinrich the Semitic God said so.
anyone have that virgin alt-right vs chad seige-poster meme?
So are all the Moors that the Spanish royalty converted after the reconquista
I just need the virgin alt-right guy
I might have that