Message from @Fried
Discord ID: 471334221554778143
i think the way the SP is set up in RB is broken tbh
allied negroes getting in planes after getting 1 kill
then nukes the other team into oblivion
@Gordon Frohman help
help me grind 3.3 air germans
i need to get to the sweet sweet A4
@I change my username often @Gordon Frohman i just got an 11-1 game with a t-50 no upgrades
russian angled armor bias blyad
i wonder if you can upload demos to discord
@Misfit later
@!Doug The Subway Fugitive if you record the replay yeah
nah as a raw file
@!Doug The Subway Fugitive dont think so
maybe you could but idk
im so scared of ripping my wings on the Fw190
turns out this thing can do 800 without ripping
tfw do half max speed in a dive with spitfire and pull up
instant wing rip
fucking inexperienced goober i am
finally got t-34 shitty version @Misfit
get the better version and grind for the 3.7 or the 4.3 KV-1
i would suggest you go for the 4.3 just because the turret is op
hey you niggers
you got any american planes
P40 lol
gordon got to the P38J
gordon doesnt have a life
he has premium
told you
i dont have a life