Message from @Double Negative

Discord ID: 490851060953382913

2018-09-16 11:45:22 UTC  

All you need to know is that they are human beings with rights and feelings. You do not get to tell them how to live their lives.

We are equal.

2018-09-16 11:45:33 UTC  

My mother was a well-known prostitute back in her prime, but she quit when she found out she was pregnant with me. I hold her in extremely high regard and I believe she sets the standard for mothers everywhere. The only thing she was reluctant to give me was information about my father – a topic she absolutely refused to comment on. As a high-profile hooker, she had been rolling with quite a few influential people – and for a long time I fantasized myself a child of an oil merchant or a Fortune 500 CEO who would drive by our flat one day in his Porsche and take us away for a fancy meal or weekend or something before dumping us back where we belonged because from a young age I’ve been a realist and I knew that it was impossible for any sane rich person to care about the poor. When I was in middle school, and just starting to learn about sex, my mother suddenly became very comfortable with nudity around the house, and she would often strut around our flat wearing nothing but a pair of socks. I think this is because she had some suspicions that I was a closeted homosexual (as a devout Christian she obviously viewed this as an unnatural abomination) and so she tried very hard to invoke some sort of interest for the female body in me (which is a very noble, self-sacrificing act). But the first time I saw her in the nude I was so stricken with fear that I sprung a boner (which always happens when I become terrified) and collapsed on the floor, where I began to convulse.

2018-09-16 11:45:34 UTC  

At the time my social studies class was covering a unit on the Holocaust, and in a bit of zealous interest (which is rare for me) I had researched quite a bit on the Fuhrer – and read a few articles on how he was not, in fact, dead, but was instead gallivanting all over America (where he had successfully escaped to). Thus when I saw his iconic moustache branded on my mothers crotch my little mind broke. After all, Higgins sounds remarkably like an Anglicized bastardization of Hitler, so it did not take much more evidence to convince myself that he had fathered me. It took me many years of therapy and counseling to rid myself of my panic attacks, and this was not helped by the fact that my mother never told me I was wrong in my conviction.

2018-09-16 11:45:38 UTC  

I'm too smart. People call me an insufferable know-it-all but I'm just too smart. I'm smarter than everyone on this board and I failed Grade Three twice because society hates smart people like me. How do I get less smart so I can conform and finally finish highschool. I'm 20 and I'm still in fucking grade nine. I know I'm smart but I pretend not to be so I can impress ladies when they see how smart I am. I'm too damn smart and I don't know what to do.

Years ago there was a story I read. In it, Harry was teaching at Hogwarts as an adult, years after Voldemort's defeat. Now this before the seventh book even came out, so you can guess how long ago this wasm but I have no clue when it was actually uploaded. I cannot find ANYTHING about it.

2018-09-16 11:45:41 UTC  

I remember Madame Rosmerta (I think it was her), and a mention of the three broomsticks. Only here's the kicker! She had to work there to satisfy the three broomsticks, which were actually magically enchanted to be penises. nd they were also gay. If she did not take it in the ass and get an anal creampie from each of them,... something would happen, and better her than a man.

With each broomstick being gay, for some reason Harry had sex with her instead. I THINK the story was called 'Harry Potter and the Anal Creampie', but I can't for the life of me find anything similar to that. I first came across the story in early 2007, before Deathly Hallows came out.

2018-09-16 11:45:44 UTC  

Bring your chin down to protect your neck while continuing to stare into his eyes. Bring up your hands and say "I don't want no trouble ya hear". Flex your traps and core. Slightly bend your knees.

Here comes the important part. In a low voice begin to say "wolowolowolowolowolo" slowly increasing in volume, he should be surprised by now. Begin to sway side to side and loosen all facial muscles and your anal sphicter and your kegal muscle. By now you should be pretty loud and your opponent will have stepped back and will appear visibly shaken.

2018-09-16 11:45:47 UTC  

Begin to piss and shit yourself and let your eyes roll into the back of your head. By now you are chanting "WOLOWOLOWOLOWOLO" at the top of your lungs. He will run away. Everyone within a one mile radius will feel a terrifying precence within their soul.

Marvel as you ascend into your planar form.

2018-09-16 11:45:50 UTC  

Okay so I wasn't here yesterday so I'd like to take today to fire off my giant ass rant.

Not at America in general, more than half of you were not on boards with this, bot at the Republicans (at least not yet) not even at Trump voters. They wanted Trump for whatever their reasons and they got him.

I want to yell at Democrats.

2018-09-16 11:45:52 UTC  

What. The f**k. Went wrong? HOW could you lose to DONALD TRUMP?! A man with no political experience, a man whose business dealings, his only real claim to competence are either failures, frauds or were built up by his daddy.
A man who openly expressed admiration for dictators on tape ? A man who once tweeted at 3 A.M for people to check out a sex tape (WHICH DIDN'T EVEN EXIST) A man with a ready history of extra-marital affairs who was caught on tape bragging about sneaking a peek at changing beauty contestants. A man who tried to woo Latinos by buying a taco. A man who can't even LIE properly .

You could have put an empty chair up against him and won. You could have run on the "You know maybe the whole 'President' thing is a a waste of money" platform and STILL won!

2018-09-16 11:45:55 UTC  

Trump had all 5 people on this planet who've had his job say he was unfit. Including the Bushes. He had the last two Repub nominees tell people to vote for Clinton. He lost Fox News. He lost O'REILY. You had everybody with any influence in the public sphere railing against him.

How? HOW?!

2018-09-16 11:45:58 UTC  

Now I know what you're thinking, it was the media, it was the third party voters etc etc.

No, it was you.

You failed to win against the weakest candidate ever. A mna accused of everything from stiffing Joe the Plumber to sexual assault .

2018-09-16 11:46:04 UTC  

You failed to give the people a candidate they felt they could rally behind, you failed reach out to the votes you needed you failed to address legitimate concerns in favor of calling people idiots and bigots. It's telling tha the site I've seen take the most in depth look at why people were actually supporting Trump was THIS one. Even when you did it was always just the set up to another zinger, "Aaaand that's why your complaints are pointless racist, so just admit you hate brown people". In the last 8 years you grew complacent and arrogant and it has cost you.

Now I'm saying this just to be a dick, I'm saying it because you can't afford self pity. I'm saying it because you need to own up to your faults. You need to figure out where you went wrong and fix it, and don't say you didn't because you clearly have.

So go home clean yourselves up, don't give in to crazy panic don't even think about talking of revolt even as a joke and figure out what to do. And I address this to all liberals, from everyone to the Dems President to the lowliest blogger. If you are someone who's ever taken it upon themselves to be an activist now is the time for serious self reflection because you have a huge responsibility to bear

2018-09-16 11:46:26 UTC  

OI M88



G'DAY m8



ohah*toss boomerang*





>Be australian
>get heat stroke in santa suit




2018-09-16 11:46:30 UTC  

Oooh!! Umbreon pee pee! Squeak squeak tinkle pretty pee pee ooh warm pisss footpaws pad and splish and smell of his pee pee while he spurts and warm golden tinkle flows down and smells up his pee paws OH and his anus puckers while his little balls twitch as his pee pee churns and bursts between his legs and the very tip of his urethra splishes and squirts and twitches with his warm bladder full of pee pee, he squishes his cock in desperation as his paws soaked with tinkle twitch and his balls pressed together and he aims his pee pee tinkle cock between his legs, making his thighs wet and stinky with warm hot tinkle pee as he rubs and splashes and his toes stink of wet pee fur ooohh tinkle pee pee soooo baaadd!

He needs a diaper!! Diaper diapee pampee diap comforting pee pee diaper for him to tinkle in and rest his pee cock and press the tip against the soft insides of the warm diaper and squirt spurt warm yellow and twitch his balls inside OOhh anon! He needs a diapee diaper! Anon he needs a pamper pampee diaperrr!!!

2018-09-16 11:46:33 UTC  

stinky smelly mukky farts.

sniff sniff the mukky farts.

it stinky so good the mukky farts.

spray that gas out your mukky ass

aim at my face that mukky mace

oh yes it stink so good

that mukky poopy dust up my nose

the purple fart cloud rains down purple fart drops, down down it goes

my mouth open wide ready to catch them on my tongue

drink the mukky farts is so fun!

2018-09-16 11:46:36 UTC  

His palms are sweaty, life's bleak, child is heavy
There's a sniper aimed at him already, mom's upsetti
park service, they're nervous but look calm and ready
To embalm, but they keep on regretting'
What they shot down, the internet grows so loud
they open their mouth, but the memes Wont stop now
provoking', how, everybody's revolting' now
Dicks are out, Harambe's down, over, blaow!

2018-09-16 11:46:39 UTC  

If the shitpost starts discussion on the topic and I post something related to the topic even if the topic stemmed from shitposting, is it still shitposting?
Remember, this is like the heat death of the universe. The shitposts are the entropy and we are the universe. In the end, the shitposts will overcome the expansion of us and will destroy all. Just like entropy, shitposts cannot be destroyed nor contained

2018-09-16 11:46:42 UTC  

This is not a joke. My favorite niece found your post - it ruined the internet for her, even made her a bit depressed and ashamed for awhile for even reading it. She has early signs of depression, her mother died of heart failure when she was only 7 years old. This place? She liked it.... because so many of the posters reminded her of her mother.... who was also like a sister to me....

....You WILL pay for this, you sanctimonious jaded smug piece of shit. Y'know why? Because my older brother, the father of the girl who you hurt with your cancerous scorn, is INFINITELY more pissed at you than I am. He's an old fashioned soldier. 6.5 feet, about 300 pounds, ex-navy, doesn't go online much, doesn't have profiles, but he knows a few very good programmers he goes to sometimes when his kids run into 'trouble' online.

2018-09-16 11:46:45 UTC  

He's the type who only knows one thing, something you millennials don't: how to get shit DONE. Not much gets under his skin really, you can call him any name under the sun, even strike him and he won't hit back (high pain tolerance)... but you fuck with his little girl and he becomes a totally different man, a VERY dangerous and reckless man. Even if I, his own little brother, were to hurt his daughter emotionally, even on accident...he'd break me like a damn twig without a second thought, quite easily too and I'm NOT a small guy. I can't tell you my bro's fighting 'technique' because it seems to be a sort of blend and I'm no pro, but I've NEVER seen anyone, even bigger guys, last more than 5 seconds against him before they were on the floor in tears, screaming for mercy, with at least one or two body parts broken and/or bleeding.

After he consoled his crying daughter about a week ago, he informed me of what happened. Unlike him, I use words to express my anger, words you've see quite a bit I'm sure- since I'm about 50-60% as pissed as my brother.
Being pissed over my niece's sadness that you helped cause, I helped my bro find your post and he gave me a look that almost gave me a heart attack (it was his eyes more than anything) and calmly said "Daniel, I'm sorry...but we'll have to cancel the turkey shoot. I have work to do." And he immediately started calling some old contacts...when he calls me 'Daniel' I know shit just got real.

2018-09-16 11:46:52 UTC  

I honestly can't tell you what my brother will do when he finds you, and he WILL find you. He's the 'creative type' offline and while not a professional interrogator, he got some enemy combatants to talk during his tours and picked up some tricks on dealing VERY high volumes of pain to someone without leaving marks. I seriously ALMOST feel bad for what awaits you.


2018-09-16 11:46:52 UTC  

listened as they called my President a Muslim. I listened as they called him and his family a pack of monkeys. I listened as they said he wasn't born here. I watched as they blocked every single path to progress that they could. I saw the pictures of him as Hitler. I watched them shut down the government and hurt the entire nation twice. I watched them turn their backs on every opportunity to open worthwhile dialogue. I watched them say that they would not even listen to any choice for Supreme Court no matter who the nominee was. I listened as they openly said that they will oppose him at every turn. I watched as they did just that. I listened. I watched. I paid attention. Now, I'm being called on to be tolerant. To move forward. To denounce protesters. To "Get over it." To accept this... I will not. I will do my part to make sure this great American mistake becomes the embarrassing footnote of our history that it deserves to be. I will do this as quickly as possible every chance I get. I will do my part to limit the damage that this man can do to my country. I will watch his every move and point out every single mistake and misdeed in a loud and proud voice. I will let you know in a loud voice every time this man backs away from a promise he made to them. Them. The people who voted for him. The ones who sold their souls and prayed for him to win. I will do this so that they never forget. And they will hear me. They will see it in my eyes when I look at them. They will hear it in my voice when I talk to them. They will know that I know who they are. They will know that I know what they are. Do not call for my tolerance. I've tolerated all I can. Now it's their turn to tolerate ridicule. Be aware, make no mistake about it, every single thing that goes wrong in our country from this day forward is now Trump's fault just as much as they thought it was Obama's. I find it unreasonable for them to expect from me what they were entirely unwilling to give.

2018-09-16 11:46:56 UTC  

Tracer felt like her insides had been scooped out through her pussy. Sure, her GF liked to peg her with black strap-ons, but the Nazi's throbbing 1 footer hollowed her out like a pumpkin. She could feel the grinding of her broken ribs with every breath she tried to take, any time she attempted to move her shattered body refused sending insurmountable pain through her very soul. She laid on the cold pavement, tears rolling down her cold cheeks. She didn't know what was worse; someone she once trusted with her life had destroyed her mentally and physically, or that there won't be anything left of her for friends or family to find. Reinhardt made sure to it that there wouldn't be any evidence left. With her chronal accelerator destroyed, it was only a matter of hours until she once again was lost to time itself, and all who had known her. Her silent tears turned to loud wailing sobs that fell upon deaf ears. Once she realized she was truly on her own she turned to her only source of peace, religion. She asked, begged the iris to take her away from the shame and pain she was enduring, but once again, her pleas went unheard. A once proud, beautiful, budding young woman in the prime of her life, beaten down to nothing more than a bleeding, broken rape victim, crying behind some disgusting alley. As time dragged on and her throat became dry, she could feel herself become disassociated with the now, with a final, powerful scream strong enough to break the heavens, she called to Winston, her girlfriend, the iris, anyone and anything to keep her from drifting off into the hell that is time disassociation.

Once again, she went unheard. And soon enough all that was left of the great Tracer, was a pool of pussy blood.

2018-09-16 11:46:59 UTC  

Her eyes are green and cute!

I love Zelda! She's the cutest and the best! The best ever! A cute princess Zelda! Yes! She's very cute and very feminine! She sounds like a proper lady and a proper princess! Very cute! She even knows how to cry! Cries like a princess in english! Not a robot! Doesn't cry like a baby! Ladylike! Dresses like a princess! Very modest! Cute turtleneck! Cutie patootie! Cute hairclips! Knows how to accessorize! Fashionable! Fingerless gloves for warmth and dexterity! Plans ahead! Not short sighted! Holds the triforce of wisdom! Smartypants! Yes! Cute with brains! Brains behind her forehead! Cute forehead! Cute eyebrows! Pointy ears! Cute pointy ears! Cute golden hair! Cute hairstyle! She is very lovely! I love her!!!!!

2018-09-16 11:47:01 UTC  

I like to masturbate imagining female soldiers being shot and killed in combat. Like imagining a pretty young woman in her combat gear crouching in a grimy alleyways with fear in her eyes before the enemy rush around the corner and she shoots one but the others shoot back and hit her, their bullets ripping into her soft innocent flesh and making her slump against the wall, whimpering in pain, her tears streaming her grimy cheeks as she thinks about her family as she bleeds to death, how she did this for them and how she will never see then again. She's so young and innocent and had her whole life ahead of her but now she is going to die here alone and forgotten. I get off imagining her pain and absolute misery and helplessness in the face of death. I am rubbing my dick against the bottom of my desk just writing this.

2018-09-16 11:47:05 UTC  


snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....


Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....


2018-09-16 11:47:11 UTC  

Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes…

2018-09-16 11:47:11 UTC  

You’re always gonna have problems lifting a body ⚰️ in one piece. Apparently the best thing to do is cut up a corpse into six pieces 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖 and pile it all together. … And when you got your six pieces 🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖🍖, you gotta get rid of them 😂, because it’s no good leaving it in the deep freeze for your mum 👩 to discover, now is it? Then I hear the best thing to do is feed them to pigs 🐷. You got to starve the pigs 🐷 for a few days, then the sight of a chopped-up body will look like curry to a pisshead 💯💯💯. You gotta shave the heads of your victims 👌👌, and pull the teeth out for the sake of the piggies’ digestion 😊. You could do this afterwards, of course, but you don’t want to go sievin’ through pig shit 💩💩💩, now do you 💩? They will go through bone like butter 😋😋😋. You need at least sixteen pigs 🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷🐷 to finish the job in one sitting, so be wary of any man who keeps a pig farm 😊. They will go through a body that weighs 200 pounds in about eight minutes 💯👌. That means that a single pig 🐷 can consume two pounds of uncooked flesh every minute. Hence the expression, “as greedy as a pig” 👌🍖.

2018-09-16 11:47:29 UTC  

The Elite are all about transcendence and living forever and the secrets of the universe and they want to know all this; some are good, some are bad, some are mixed. But, the good ones don’t ever want to organise, the bad instead are the ones that organise, because they lust after power. Powerful consciences don’t want to dominate other people, they want to empower them, so they don’t tend to get together until things are really late in the game, then they come together. Evil is always defeated, because good is so much stronger. And, we’re on this planet and Einstein’s physics showed it, Maxwell’s physics showed it, all of it, that there is at least twelve dimensions, and now that’s why all the top scientist and billionaires are coming out saying it’s a false hologram, it is artificial. The computers are scanning it and finding tensions points where it is artificially projected and gravity is bleeding in to this universe, that’s what they call dark matter. So, we’re like a thought or a dream that’s like a wisp in some computer program, some god’s mind, whatever. They’re proving it all, it’s all coming out.

2018-09-16 11:47:30 UTC  

Now, there’s like this sub transmission zone below the third dimension that’s just turned over the most horrible things, which is what it resonates to, and it’s trying to get up into the third dimension, that’s just a basic level consciousness to launch into the next levels. And our species is already way up to the fifth, sixth dimension consciously, our best people. But there is this big war trying to like, basically destroy humanity, because humanity has free will, and there is a decision to which level we want to go to. We have free will, so evils will have to contend, not just good. And the Elites themselves believe they’re racing, using human technology to try to take our best minds, and build some type of breakaway civilization where they’re going to merge with machines, transcend and break away from the failed species that is man, which is kind of like a false transmission because they’re thinking what they are as ugly and bad, projecting on to themselves instead of believing, no it’s a human test about building us up, and so, Google set up eighteen, nineteen years ago. I knew about this before it was declassified, I’m just saying I have good sources.

2018-09-16 11:47:39 UTC  

They want to build a giant artificial system, and Google believes the first artificial intelligence will be a supercomputer based on the neuron activities of the hive mind of humanity with billions of people wired into the internet exchange (holy shit), and so all of our thoughts go into it, and we’re actually building a computer that has real neurons in real time that’s also psychically connected to us, that are organic creatures so that they will have current prediction powers, future prediction powers, a true crystal ball. But the big secret is, once you have a crystal ball and know the future, you can add stimuli beforehand and make decisions that can control the future. And so then, it’s the end of consciousness and freewill for individuals as we know, and a true two-point-o, in a very bad way, hive mind consciousness with an A.I jacked into everyone, knowing our hopes and dreams, delivering it to us, not in some PKD wire head system, where we plug in and give up our consciousness because of unlimited pleasure, but because we were already wired in and absorbed before we knew it by giving over our consciousness to this system our daily decisions that it was able to manipulate and control into a larger system. There’s now a human counterstrike taking place to shut this up before it gets fully into place and to block these systems, and to try and have an actual debate about where humanity goes, and cut off the paedophiles and psychic vampires that are controlling this A.I system before humanity is destroyed.

2018-09-16 11:47:40 UTC  

The paedophiles, at whatever level, they rule the devil, whatever you want to call, this interdimensional thing, which gives them advanced off world technology, the fallen one, that’s out of this world, is giving them advanced knowledge on how to construct these systems that have already been used before on other populations. That’s Satan. Satan became something, that you know, the stupid preacher tells you about, who’s totally controlled or something you read about in the news or TV, but this is an interdimensional force that wants to influence us to build something that absorbs us and kills us, rather than the divine free will we are given to build something much better and empowers the species so the species is now making a decision about its entire future. I know from looking at all the data, researching it, studying it, watching the enemy, that's the big decision that humanity now has before us.

2018-09-16 11:47:43 UTC  

I know that this is going to sound incredibly autistic, but I cannot function in social settings unless I imagine myself as a big guy. No, I don't go around saying "for you" or move like a big guy or anything. I just feel myself with the overall demeanor of the big guys. I can pass off as a normie well with this.

I choose big guys that already compliment my personality. My main 3 are Dr. Pavel (When I'm feeling quiet but confident), CIA (When I'm feeling a bit smug/cocky) and Bane (When I'm feeling a bit edgy). I also have a rotating list of big guys that I can use. I've done Smee, Maiman, Button-lee, Masketta Man, Juan Ovyu, Brother, etc...

2018-09-16 11:47:46 UTC  

But my problem is, I have a Christmas party with my co-workers tonight, and I'm not sure which big guy I should be. I want to be a bit more outgoing and talkative than usual, but not TOO much. I had a bad experience with Ahyred Gunn this spring, when I got a bit TOO confident, so I don't want to use him. I'd like to try a big guy listed on the flight plan, but I'm not sure which once. I like SIR?, but I feel like he would make me come across as an autist. I was actually thinking about Dr. Pavel, but not saying anything him a bit.

Do you guys have any ideas for a big guy that would be sociable and confident, but not too much so?

2018-09-16 11:47:53 UTC  

Haha, my friend you are quite mistaken. Your impressions of the scene are that of the unintelligent and common man. I have analysed the opening scene of TDKR for over 10,000 hours, every nuance of the scene is well documented in my mind and I know, full well, the true meaning of this masterwork of cinema. I will outline it concisely and briefly for you now:

>Bane: "No one cared who I was until I put on the mask."

By this Bane means that he was a nobody until he took on the persona of Bane, the reputation that surrounds him is what has made him infamous. The "mask" is not the respiratory device that pumps him full of painkillers, the mask is his image as a dangerous individual known the world over for his exploits. From this we can draw parallels with Bruce Wayne and Batman, the mask is an important theme throughout.

>CIA: If I pull that off will you die?

If I remove the mask, if I expose you as nothing more than a man will it destroy the essence of what you are?

>Bane: "It would be extremely painful."

It would be a traumatic experience to abandon what I am, an existential crisis of sorts that would be difficult to recover from.

>CIA: You're a big guy.

You're an important person, your reputation is large and your deeds are noteworthy.

>Bane: For you.

2018-09-16 11:47:56 UTC  

For you I am an important person, you are an agent of the CIA who has been actively hunting me. Our importance to somebody, our stature, our largeness is defined by the effect we have on them. To the average person Bane is not a "big guy", but to this agent he is large indeed.

The Japanese ethos was warped forever by the atomic bomb attacks during WWII. Millions of Japanese men, women, and children were forced to come to terms with the idea of an overwhelmingly powerful entity outside of their control that could wipe them out of existence without warning using unspeakable weapons. They did this, for the most part, by exploring the idea in fiction. Godzilla is one example. Anime is another. If the United States of America were to deploy nuclear weaponry against Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and France, chances are the same thing would happen again: More Godzillas, and more anime. Do you think the world can really handle six animes? In the 1980's, United States President Ronald Reagan developed an idea known as "Mutually-Assured Destruction" (MAD). This philosophy stated that war with Russia would not happen, because there was no way to wage it without both countries being destroyed. I see this same situation today. We cannot nuke more countries for fear of mutually assured destruction when they create more anime. Thank you for your time.

2018-09-16 11:48:16 UTC  

Hi every1 im new here in my garage with my new LAMBORGHINI!!!!!!! holds up️ spork What the fuck did you just �fucking say about me, you little good shit you little good shit you little good shit? shut you the FUCK UP F*GGOT teleports around and shoots beams at you I’ll have you know I graduated of my class in the Navy Seals️️, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret RAIDS on Al-Quaeda, and I have over confirmed bookshelves. thats ️ some impressiveshit rightth ere right️there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) isn't it? has anyone really been far even as decided use even go want to do look more like️up here in the HOLLYWOODHILLS? I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the sniper in the entire HOLLYWOODHILLS armedforces. my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF T41 LoP3Z️️️ lol…as u can see im very randomaterialistic️️ You are NOTHING to me but just another fuel️unit targetyou. I will wipe you the fuck out️ with KNOWLEDGE the likes of which has never been seen b on this Earth, mark my fucking wrds. You think you can get away with saying that good️shit me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. You! kicks you from behind Are! teleports in front of you and uppercuts you into the air Just! flies into the air with flaming spiral uppercut A STUPID TROLL! As we speak I am contacting my SECRET network of MENTORS across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare 4 the ️storm️, maggot.

2018-09-16 11:48:22 UTC  

The ️storm️ that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. thats why i came here, 2kill random ppl on the internetz … im years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) I can be anywhere, anytime️, and I can kill you in over sevenways, and that’s just with my bare hands. i like 2 watch invaderzim w/ my lamborghini (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO FUN TO DRIVE UP HERE IN THE HOLLYWOOD HILLS!!!! shes random of course but i want meet more random ppl like they say the more the merrier!!!! hits you with flame uppercut and grabs your head and throws you down to the ground NOW DIE FAG!!! DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^ hehe…toodles!!!!! Garfield leans towards Jon. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed️ combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal️️ of the United States Marine️ Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent️, you little good shit. Jon slowly sticks his hand into the pasta dish. As he lifts his warm hand out of the lasaga, he holds a large clump of pasta, sauce and cheese. He slowly brings the lasaga towards Garfield's mouth who ate all the lasaga. If only you could have known️ what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re ️paying the price, you goddamn idiot. crashes into you with meteor slam attack and kills you heh... another channer falls to me.

2018-09-16 11:48:25 UTC  

I will shitbookshelves all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo. "i ate those food" Garfield replies. Jon then inserts the lasaga into Garfield's mouth and proceeds to eat the rest of the stray lasaga in his hand. "this lasaga is great, Jon." Garfield says. Time for something a little different ️️if i do ƽaү so my self i say so thats what im talking about ri️ght there Jon grabs another glob of lasaga. He reaches behind Garfield and slowly inserts the fuel unit into his anus. "do you like that you big fat cat?" Jon questions. Garfield purrs with joy. "thank you Jon for this wonderful time" Garfield says. At the entrance of the door to the kitchen, a silhouette of a dog appears. A quiet mumble is heard but inaudible for the man and feline to hear. "bOrf" the dog mumbled. mMMMMᎷМ НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ love️ and waffles and CUMMIES you little good shit,t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m Psssh, notting personnel, kid teleports away

2018-09-16 11:48:32 UTC  

Mechanical pencils. When I first started using a mechanical pencil, I realized it wouldn't wear down like my regular pencils did. Instead, I could use it indefinitely, and so in that time I grew attached to it. I even named her - Peggy. Eventually, however, I lost her, and so I found a new pencil.

Over time, I would continuously find more pencils abandoned on the ground, and bring them under my care. Each one of them given a distinct name and personality by me. Our relationship mirrored that of a child and their stuffed animals. But in this case, the pencils actually had practical purposes. I like to think of it as an orphanage for abandoned pencils. That is to say, I don't buy pencils; I take on abandoned pencils and give them a home and a purpose.

2018-09-16 11:48:42 UTC  

My collection has grown quite large. In fact, I take a yearly photo of them to archive them. Here was this year's photo. From left to right, their names are: Amber, Fluorina, Tess, Lexi, Jan, Abby, Liliana, Crèmula, Claudia, Melanova, Sabrina, Pre-Amber, Mabel, Lush, Hershey, Penelope, Maxwell, Kimberly, Elevena, Faye, Manilla, Nikhil, Brad, Doyle, Marlon, Conan, Casper, Aster, Chromium, Melvin, Nullen, Julian, Jake, Boyd.

Notable Facts:

2018-09-16 11:48:46 UTC  

Amber is my primary pencil. She wears a paperclip as an accessory (which would be like wearing a scarf or a headband).
Once I lost Liliana for 5 days. I found her in one of my binders, stuck between the pages.
I lost Bonnie, Lush, and Rosalie because I accidentally left them on the window sill of my previous dorm room.
Abby is my most empathetic pencil. If someone asks me for pencil lead, Abby always offers hers. Additionally, if someone asks to borrow a pencil, Abby volunteers.
I had a pencil named Rachel that none of the other pencils liked. I lent her out one time, and she was never returned. I was happy about that.
Crèmula bit me once. When I initially found her, she had been abused and had trust issues. I was carrying her back in my pocket, and when I reached in, her point stabbed me and left a nasty wound on my palm. She's getting better.