Message from @front2back
Discord ID: 493455376780623872
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Is this loss
@front2back r8 my mem
@front2back you could you link to the post
i aint clicking that shit
its a vid
just watch it
a guy shoots himself in interrogation room
This video is old as fuck
,bam @ry_
We need to force this meme
M8 I got a 12/38 on my test yesterday for zoology and my nigger of mom only gave me 10 GBP and 5 buttermilk tendies what a kike saveing all the tendies and GDP for my step brother mike who got 34/38 just because he haves a "big dick" (I have seen it it's at last a half of Ron Jeremy) but anyways my mom is a nigger and she can go die in a big fuck hole I'm sad rn