Message from @TheBritishGamer ❤🔑 (Meh)

Discord ID: 630879689422012417

2019-10-02 19:52:46 UTC  

Brexit means brexit

2019-10-02 19:53:04 UTC  

gimmie brexit or give me death

2019-10-02 20:21:35 UTC  

@3v6en8 Do you mean like back in March?

2019-10-02 20:29:33 UTC  

schrodinger's brexit

2019-10-02 20:29:50 UTC  

you are both brexit and not brexit

2019-10-02 20:30:13 UTC  

Just dont make a decision til the dawn of time

2019-10-02 20:43:54 UTC  

The EU will be long gone by the time our incompetent Parliament decides to leave

2019-10-02 20:44:32 UTC  

Any competent people in the Labour Party left when Corbyn came along

2019-10-02 20:44:46 UTC  

Lib Dems are just a Remain Tory Party

2019-10-02 20:45:05 UTC  

And the Tories are way below a majority, begging for an election

2019-10-02 22:49:10 UTC  

Has parliament refreshed yet?

2019-10-07 21:21:02 UTC  

Labour in the 1940s and 50s co-founded NATO with America and also helped developed Britain's nuclear deterrent. Now, Labour sees America as worse than Hammas and wants to scrap the nuclear deterrent

2019-10-07 21:25:08 UTC  

clement attlee

2019-10-07 21:26:06 UTC  

one of the best peace time prime minster

2019-10-07 21:26:22 UTC  

Winston is one or maybe the best war time prime minster for uk

2019-10-07 21:27:23 UTC  

Oh yeah

2019-10-07 21:27:26 UTC  


2019-10-07 21:27:34 UTC  

Greatest duo ever

2019-10-07 21:30:31 UTC  

Attlee only really had three mistakes. One, he was too quick and naive about India and Pakistan

2019-10-07 21:30:39 UTC  

Two, he took on the sugar companies

2019-10-07 21:31:04 UTC  

And three, the guy was quiet and not the best campaigner in the world

2019-10-07 21:31:48 UTC  

He was great at managing parliament tho

2019-10-07 21:32:44 UTC  

Winston need him in order to manage the ruckus in parliament over peace with germany and such

2019-10-07 21:36:18 UTC  

Attlee put his own differences aside for the country

2019-10-07 21:36:30 UTC  

Imagine puttinf up with a man you hate for 6 years

2019-10-07 21:37:45 UTC  


2019-10-07 21:38:01 UTC  

Strange relationship goals I guess

2019-10-07 21:39:13 UTC  

He did it for the kids!

2019-10-08 14:04:39 UTC  

corbyn the saviour

2019-10-08 14:04:47 UTC  

make him dictator already

2019-10-08 14:04:56 UTC  

stop messing around

2019-10-08 17:12:55 UTC  

Supreme Leader Corbyn will create world communism

2019-10-08 17:19:51 UTC  

Supreme Cuck Corbyn

2019-10-08 19:01:36 UTC  

brexit means brexit

2019-10-09 01:56:31 UTC  

simple as

2019-10-09 13:45:38 UTC  

That’s not even coherent “Brexit means Brexit” is rhetorical nonsense.

2019-10-09 13:50:36 UTC  

The reason it has taken so long is because when the referendum occurred, they failed to define what Brexit actually means in terms of the UK’s policy towards the rest of the EU after leaving, if they’d give places like Scotland and Northern Ireland opportunities to remain within the EU, if it means the UK will still be part of the EEA, if they’re going to seek a trade agreement similar to the CEFTA with countries they most heavily trade with, if they’re going to stay members of the EU Customs Union, etc.

2019-10-09 13:52:33 UTC  

Because the referendum was so fucking broad in its wording, and the average person, *especially smooth-brained right-wing Brexiters*, doesn’t have a solid conception of what Brexit is past their leaving the EU, it has yet to move forward because Parliment can’t agree on what to request from the EU in a Brexit Deal

2019-10-09 13:53:09 UTC  

And furthermore there’s no guarantee that the EU will agree to whatever terms they do eventually produce if they manage to produce terms before having another referendum and backing out

2019-10-09 13:54:43 UTC  

LIKE actual morons think a Hard Brexit is something that they have to do if they can’t make a deal, but nobody who understands Geopolitics actually wants a Hard Brexit. Even Boris Johnson, the ostensible crusader for Brexit is going to ask for an extension to avoid a Hard Brexit because it would do nothing but harm British capital