Message from @Joe.
Discord ID: 660284500533575680
You are pathetic
I am merely trying to get him to think
Be respectful guys.
He is not trying atm
most people just need to stop being fat and lazy and eating and smoking and drinking
@✨Skolander✨ You provide nothing but insults to this argument
I have given you examples
Please show your rebuttal
@Solicitor you're not trying.
I would be 100% for socialized Healthcare if they made it illegal to drink and eat junk food and smoke and heavily penalize people that did
I. Just. Stated. Facts.
That is authoritarianism.
Can you name a single upside to Medicare for all?
Go volunteer for the Bloomberg campaign if you support that.
You cant force someone to stop doing something such as smoking
Or drinking
Why not if we can force people to pay for them smoking what's the difference
Well, the law was just raised to 21.
If you can't I rest my case that you're not trying honestly.
@✨Skolander✨ yes
There is an upside
What is it
If someone is going to force me to pay for their Healthcare then I'm going to force them to make good life choices and not drink or smoke or eat crap and if they do they should get thrown in jail for stealing my money
It helps prove ignorant fools, such as yourself, that you are wrong
We need to help keep the American worker healthy.
And in a few cases
I rest my case.
Because that keeps our economy healthy.
Moving on.
People should not have to worry about that.
It helps some disabled folk with no family members
That's about it
And trade schools should be free.
@Solicitor I could name plenty more
But you're too late
You wasted your chance
Goodbye then