Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 660826807947231242

2019-12-29 12:48:00 UTC  

Don’t take away all the guns

2019-12-29 12:48:14 UTC  

But that fat fuck in that video you sent me? The Ohio stTe one?

2019-12-29 12:48:17 UTC  

Yeah fuck that guy

2019-12-29 12:48:23 UTC  

He can leave his gun in his fucking truck

2019-12-29 12:48:29 UTC  

It’s a goddamn school campus man

2019-12-29 12:48:42 UTC  

If ure that worried about ure safety, at fucking school

2019-12-29 12:48:43 UTC  

What if a school shooting happens, he'll have to fight his way to his truck with only his glock 23

2019-12-29 12:48:44 UTC  

@huluxer71 FUDD ALERT

2019-12-29 12:48:51 UTC  


2019-12-29 12:48:51 UTC  

Ure probably already fucked

2019-12-29 12:49:10 UTC  

the idea here is that if everyone is armed, and everyone has a rifle, no one is going to fuck with no one

2019-12-29 12:49:16 UTC  

I love the fact htey are wearing woodland cammies on a school campus

2019-12-29 12:49:18 UTC  

what's the point of that

2019-12-29 12:49:19 UTC  

That’s insane

2019-12-29 12:49:27 UTC  

All u need is one crazy person

2019-12-29 12:49:31 UTC  

To shoot

2019-12-29 12:49:32 UTC  

@Sh0t gotta oper8 bro

2019-12-29 12:49:39 UTC  

Some people would start shooting, hoping to cause the open carry people to start shooting

2019-12-29 12:49:42 UTC  

Everyone will go nuts shooting at each other

2019-12-29 12:49:44 UTC  

gotta be an oper8er

2019-12-29 12:49:48 UTC  

the blue-on-blues would be insane

2019-12-29 12:49:57 UTC  

I mean are you kidding me

2019-12-29 12:50:04 UTC  


2019-12-29 12:50:05 UTC  


2019-12-29 12:50:13 UTC  

Not you

2019-12-29 12:50:15 UTC  

who would "start shooting" at open carry people?

2019-12-29 12:50:16 UTC  

No one

2019-12-29 12:50:19 UTC  


2019-12-29 12:50:25 UTC  

Whoever told you arming everyone is the right idea

2019-12-29 12:50:26 UTC  

a slightly intelligent sociopath

2019-12-29 12:50:27 UTC  

It’s not

2019-12-29 12:50:41 UTC  

When the shooting starts, how are the various open carry people going to know who is friendly?

2019-12-29 12:50:45 UTC  

Arming every member of the citizenry

2019-12-29 12:50:52 UTC  

Is the most insane idea I’ve heard

2019-12-29 12:51:03 UTC  

The open carry people would probably end up shooting at each other

2019-12-29 12:51:11 UTC  

@huluxer71 were you in the military?

2019-12-29 12:51:29 UTC  

Cuz that’s the only way ure situation works, since I found the pitfall in you’re argument

2019-12-29 12:51:37 UTC  

I would arm everybody, but even on military bases, people don't open carry

2019-12-29 12:51:49 UTC  

How could you arm everybody?!

2019-12-29 12:51:50 UTC  

most weapons are locked up in armories

2019-12-29 12:52:01 UTC  

Take into account that people are fucking morons