Message from @ashnaa

Discord ID: 702906849065828402

2020-04-22 00:40:15 UTC  

The UK have already introduced a program for the very first vaccine testers of COVID-19. I can highly claim that the reliability of the vaccine is extremely low. A number of obvious factors include the unprecedented time it took for the vaccine to be produced and in relation to that a known fact is that modern vaccines usually take 4 years to produce, finalise, then replicate. Suspicious.

2020-04-22 00:41:21 UTC  

Madagascar president claims that a special whiskey cures corona

2020-04-22 00:41:36 UTC  

I hope it works just to see the look on everyone’s face

2020-04-23 15:37:41 UTC  

> I'm not sure if I can trust western media about Chinas internal politics
@lynx china declassified is pretty good on facebook

Idk why people bash on everyone all the time

Just look at people and their aura and you can see their intentions immediately

2020-04-23 15:38:35 UTC  

because they are keyboard warriors

2020-04-23 15:38:45 UTC  

and probably 10 year olds

2020-04-23 15:38:51 UTC  


China gets so much shit for the things they do, but everyone’s trying to get ahead in the end, China’s no different

2020-04-23 15:39:43 UTC  

china CCP have been known to lie though over the years

2020-04-23 15:39:53 UTC  

they oppress people

2020-04-23 15:39:54 UTC  

they do it to themselves

That is so crazy but look at what they’ve done

2020-04-23 15:40:00 UTC  

it's absolutely their fault

Oppress people how?

2020-04-23 15:40:11 UTC  

the concentration camps

In just 30 years they’ve rose to an arc that will surpass the US in 10 years

2020-04-23 15:40:35 UTC  

you mean look at what they have done? ... take fredit for other people/countries work

What would the USA do if a colony were gonna defect?

2020-04-23 15:40:52 UTC  

and hong kong

2020-04-23 15:41:09 UTC  

they aren't keeping their side of the deal

2020-04-23 15:41:19 UTC  

thats why people are going to hail in usa.. because of chinese nationals taking things for their own

China isn’t?

The USA used to be a great country

2020-04-23 15:41:55 UTC  

china isn't yes

It’s full of lazy ass people who haven’t faced hardships

2020-04-23 15:42:22 UTC  


2020-04-23 15:42:26 UTC  


2020-04-23 15:42:27 UTC  


2020-04-23 15:42:30 UTC  

Don't make me laugh, that we're one people? It's a myth created by Thomas Jefferson. My friend Jefferson's an American saint, because he wrote the words 'all men were created equal'. Words he clearly didn't believe since he allowed his own children to live in slavery. He's a rich wine snob who was sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So yeah he wrote some lovely words and roused the rabble and then they went out and died for those words, while he sat back and drank his wine and ****ed his slave girl This guy wants to tell me that we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America. And in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business.

2020-04-23 15:42:31 UTC  

well its gunna be even better when trumps finished.. because hes not part of the one world regime.. seems to be the only one that hasbt brought into the shit

Not generalizations

Nobody is wrong or right in the world

What matters is what you have done to succeed

A dictatorship can become the greatest superpower solely because there isn’t anything to stop them

2020-04-23 15:43:26 UTC  

people can't be 'wrong' yeah ofc

2020-04-23 15:43:28 UTC  

stop china from buying out the world

2020-04-23 15:43:34 UTC  

fuck china

Nuclear bombs changed everything