Message from @McBacoon

Discord ID: 551762808778391571

2019-03-03 13:44:49 UTC  

depends on what you mean by an attack

2019-03-03 13:44:54 UTC  


2019-03-03 13:45:02 UTC  

I seriously doubt that

2019-03-03 13:45:06 UTC  

and US wont attack Pakistan

2019-03-03 13:45:11 UTC  

I mean

2019-03-03 13:45:15 UTC  

I guess

2019-03-03 13:45:49 UTC  

and for a very simple reason

2019-03-03 13:46:03 UTC

2019-03-03 13:46:05 UTC  

you see this?

2019-03-03 13:46:13 UTC  


2019-03-03 13:46:17 UTC  

there is only 1 viable way to access Afghanistan

2019-03-03 13:46:37 UTC  

and US only uses 1 way right now to transport its supplies to Afghanistan

2019-03-03 13:46:44 UTC  

... its Pakistan

2019-03-03 13:47:00 UTC  

without Pakistan, there wouldnt be a war in Afghanistan

2019-03-03 13:47:26 UTC  

Im still flabbergasted how did the pakis start war in Afghanistan

2019-03-03 13:47:40 UTC  

they didnt

2019-03-03 13:48:00 UTC  

and it depends on which war you mean

2019-03-03 13:48:09 UTC  

the one that happened during cold war

2019-03-03 13:48:11 UTC  

or the one rn

2019-03-03 13:48:19 UTC  

Then never-ending war

2019-03-03 13:48:24 UTC  


2019-03-03 13:48:32 UTC  

yeah, Pakis didnt start that

2019-03-03 13:48:43 UTC  

US did, by invading Afghanistan after 9/11

2019-03-03 13:48:52 UTC  


2019-03-03 13:48:53 UTC  

Taliban was in charge there

2019-03-03 13:49:11 UTC  

Taliban came to power after the war with the soviets

2019-03-03 13:49:21 UTC  

🤔 seems reasonable

2019-03-03 13:50:05 UTC  

they were known as Mujahideen

2019-03-03 13:50:21 UTC  

and they were backed by US

2019-03-03 13:50:29 UTC  

*whole lotta cold war shit*

2019-03-03 13:50:44 UTC  


2019-03-03 13:51:11 UTC  

even communist china supported them

2019-03-03 13:51:43 UTC  

Wait why

2019-03-03 13:52:39 UTC  

```The Soviet Union and the Chinese werent allies during the Soviet- Afghan war, (1979- 1988/9). A period known as the ‘Sino- Soviet Split’ had occurred in the late 1960s which completely derailed their ideological partnership.```

2019-03-03 13:52:46 UTC  

```Mao and the leaders of China believed that the Soviets, under the leadership of Brezhnev had begun to ‘Capitalise’ Marxism. They saw a relaxation of economic control and an increasingly expansionist and ‘imperialist’ USSR.```

2019-03-03 13:53:02 UTC  

```During the Cold War, the Soviets had also coveted India very successfully- counter to the US coveting Pakistan. The Indians received huge amounts of Soviet hardware and support, much in defiance of China whom even to this day rivals India for geographical dominance. Again, this worsened Chinese- USSR relations.```

2019-03-03 13:53:48 UTC  

```China saw the invasion of Afghanistan as yet another demonstration of the Soviet’s growing Imperialism. Yes they invaded to support a fellow Communist government, but it was seen mainly as the Soviets attempting to expand their borders southwards, and by sending in their own soldiers and tanks rather than ‘advisors’ as in the case of Korea or Vietnam, it meant that they were expanding their jurisdiction.```

2019-03-03 13:54:27 UTC  

and ofcourse Pakistani and US spec-ops were also included

2019-03-03 13:54:41 UTC  

Thats harsh but to protect allies

2019-03-03 13:55:07 UTC  

my dad was spetsnaz in there