Message from @Pelth

Discord ID: 630951775863832578

2019-10-08 01:36:10 UTC  


2019-10-08 01:43:22 UTC  


2019-10-08 02:12:37 UTC  

Mammalian predators tend to avoid eating other predators unless they’re starving because they’re usually more dangerous and have less of a pay-off when compared to prey-animals. @Pelth

2019-10-08 02:13:07 UTC  

sure, but it's also a hardcoded instinct

2019-10-08 02:13:35 UTC  

I mean like you can attribute the recognition of prey animals as instructs

2019-10-08 02:13:44 UTC  

and the instinct is generally just to avoid these things altogether, it doesn't necessarily provide the context as to why

2019-10-08 02:13:58 UTC  

But if another predator is injured and available, mammalian predators don’t avoid eating it to avoid eating it

2019-10-08 02:14:16 UTC  

they are likely to still avoid it

2019-10-08 02:14:46 UTC  

unless they have an overwhelming blood scent or something

2019-10-08 02:15:00 UTC  

like something uncontrollable like a pitbull

2019-10-08 02:15:04 UTC  

humans don't have this

2019-10-08 02:15:10 UTC  

It’s not like you see another mammalian predators and you don’t eat it because it’s another mammalian predator

2019-10-08 02:15:30 UTC  

You don’t eat it because the energy expended in hunting it isn’t worth the reward

2019-10-08 02:15:48 UTC  

Animals don't think in those terms

2019-10-08 02:16:00 UTC  

they are driven by instinct

2019-10-08 02:16:02 UTC  

So like if it’s injured, like an injured lion, Hyenas will try to hunt it

2019-10-08 02:16:09 UTC  

They do basic risk-reward valuation

2019-10-08 02:16:30 UTC  

if that were so, they'd eat their own

2019-10-08 02:16:34 UTC  

It’s not just “muh instinct” most predator animals are more intelligent than prey animals because they have to be able to make those value judgements

2019-10-08 02:16:34 UTC  

and that's very rare

2019-10-08 02:17:05 UTC  

animals aren't like edgy neckbeard atheists

2019-10-08 02:17:29 UTC  

It entirely depends on the species

2019-10-08 02:17:41 UTC  

Most great apes don’t have a problem eating each other even if it’s the same species

2019-10-08 02:17:46 UTC  

Fucking Hippos will eat each other

2019-10-08 02:19:38 UTC  

That is still very rare in hippos

2019-10-08 02:19:39 UTC  

Again it just depends on like risk-reward valuation, and whether or not it’s safe to eat your own species. Like humans can’t eat certain parts of the human body because we can’t digest them correctly, animals are the same way. If they’re not able to digest their own species, they probably won’t engage in cannibalism outside of extraordinary circumstances, and that might become instinctual as its bred into future generations

2019-10-08 02:19:45 UTC  

there are only a handful accounts of cannibalism in them

2019-10-08 02:20:14 UTC  

it was likely due to starvation

2019-10-08 02:20:26 UTC  

Yeah they’re not edgy neckbeard atheist, but I think it’s incorrect to attribute avoidance of eating other mammalian predators to something inherent in us or other mammalian predators

2019-10-08 02:20:28 UTC  


2019-10-08 02:20:32 UTC  

And like

2019-10-08 02:20:53 UTC  

We’re humans we can literally eat any other animal because the energy expended to kill it is minuscule comparative to how other animals hunt

2019-10-08 02:21:00 UTC  

If you wouldn’t eat bugs and dogs you’re not epic

2019-10-08 02:21:19 UTC  

humans are social animals

2019-10-08 02:21:29 UTC  

and we have evolved to cooperate with each other

2019-10-08 02:21:34 UTC  

like many other species have

2019-10-08 02:22:00 UTC  

things like cannibalism are against human instinct

2019-10-08 02:22:11 UTC  

it doesn't mean we can't fight our instincts though

2019-10-08 02:23:26 UTC  

Yeah cannibalism makes sense because there are huge parts of the human body which will make you sick if you eat them. Whatever genes make people pre-disposed to wanting to engage in cannibalism are probably rare because most cannibals, especially ancient cannibals who didn’t understand not every part of the human body is safe to eat, would’ve gotten sick and died, being less likely to reproduce

2019-10-08 02:23:37 UTC  


2019-10-08 02:24:40 UTC  

europeans at least, aren't generally predisposed to cannibalism yet they lived in some of the harshest conditions