Message from @3v6en8

Discord ID: 631613580621381642

2019-10-09 22:02:44 UTC  

The stances of the federalists and republicans was vastly different in many ways

2019-10-09 22:02:55 UTC  

eventually the republicans adopted some federalist stances and vice versa though

2019-10-09 22:03:23 UTC  

Like the republicans had a hard on for france and the federalists had a hard on for the british

2019-10-09 22:03:30 UTC  

*Bipartisan politics*

2019-10-09 22:03:49 UTC  

that's one reason why they declared war on britain later

2019-10-09 22:04:02 UTC  

in the war of 1812

2019-10-09 22:04:07 UTC  

the republicans were in power

2019-10-09 22:04:37 UTC  

and also why france sold them louisiana

2019-10-09 22:04:42 UTC  

one of many reasons

2019-10-09 22:05:09 UTC  

The casus belli was the impressment of american sailors into the british navy

2019-10-09 22:05:22 UTC  

there were lots of causes for them to declare war

2019-10-09 22:05:24 UTC  

that was one

2019-10-09 22:05:35 UTC  

it was estimated that over 10k american sailors had been impressed

2019-10-09 22:05:44 UTC  

because they had been fighting france for like over 20 years

2019-10-09 22:05:49 UTC  

and were low on manpower

2019-10-09 22:05:50 UTC  

Casus belli = war justification

2019-10-09 22:06:05 UTC  

there were also native americans with british weapons

2019-10-09 22:06:12 UTC  

ofc, there were indian raids sponsored by the british and such

2019-10-09 22:06:14 UTC  

and lots of conflicts

2019-10-09 22:06:28 UTC  

paranoia about the british arming the natives was also a big part of it

2019-10-09 22:06:52 UTC  

How does this relate to syria?

2019-10-09 22:07:04 UTC  

talking about how revolutions usually fail

2019-10-09 22:07:11 UTC  

or end up in a bad way

2019-10-09 22:07:12 UTC  

i mean

2019-10-09 22:07:28 UTC  

especially when you support terrorist organizations

2019-10-09 22:09:26 UTC  

we only really have reason to believe that those chemical attacks were literally staged by the rebel groups themselves

2019-10-09 22:09:46 UTC  

they are quite literally terrorists afterall and none of this is beyond them

2019-10-09 22:11:31 UTC  

Its more about middle eastern stability

2019-10-09 22:12:10 UTC  

If middle east = stable: america = less war

2019-10-09 22:12:20 UTC  

less war = less war spending

2019-10-09 22:12:23 UTC  

yes and wouldn't it make sense to support the most stable option

2019-10-09 22:12:26 UTC  

assad himself

2019-10-09 22:12:30 UTC  

he has an established state

2019-10-09 22:12:35 UTC  

and is the most secular option

2019-10-09 22:12:58 UTC  

he also has pretty broad support in the nation as a whole

2019-10-09 22:13:06 UTC  

most of the rebel factions only have local support

2019-10-09 22:13:09 UTC  

in particular regions

2019-10-09 22:13:16 UTC  

not any national appeal

2019-10-09 22:14:05 UTC  

the biggest threat to middle eastern stability is probably iran

2019-10-09 22:14:17 UTC  

the islamic wave of terrorism essentially began with the islamic revolution in iran

2019-10-09 22:14:43 UTC  

much like the communist revolution, it is iran's self proclaimed duty to export the islamic revolution across the world