Message from @Solid Snake Plissken

Discord ID: 632309659512078336

2019-10-11 20:07:58 UTC  

I am not gonna lie tho, even tho I don't like Obama I loved the way he talked. He played the opposite card of what Trump is playing. The smart, sophisticated, and articulate President. Maybe the most articulated since JFK

2019-10-11 20:08:21 UTC  

it's because he had lots of speech writers and only stuck to the prepared speeches

2019-10-11 20:08:41 UTC  

Q: We tried to get your campaign and the other campaigns to hold forth or whether or not they supported the current GI bill. In congress, a sneaky vote in the house — no roll call - is going to cut money from the GI bill to allow for other expenditures for vets. Vets were upset. “No, don’t take money from us and reallocate it. Find the savings elsewhere.” Do you support maintaining the GI bill the way it is and growing it instead of cutting it?

TRUMP: I don’t want to hurt our vets. We treat illegal immigrants better than our vets. I’m going to help the vets. I’m going to only help them. — unlike Hillary Clinton who thinks the vets are getting too much? They’re not. I’ve traveled, seen so many vets I know so many vets now and have a lot of friends. I have developed great friendships among the vets. Our vets are —

Q: Is that a yes, “I do support the current GI bill?”

DONALD TRUMP: No. I want to bring jobs back to our country and make the country grow again. I just traveled. I won so many states in a row in massive landslides and part of the reason was trade. Not what you brought up at the beginning of the show, totally inappropriate. Part of the reason I won was because of trade and I talk trade and I’m the only one that can do anything about trade.

2019-10-11 20:09:41 UTC  

Trump put a ton of money into the vets and they are now more taken care of than ever

2019-10-11 20:09:59 UTC  

he reformed the whole VA system

2019-10-11 20:10:00 UTC  

I am aware but that it was also his tone that he sold when he said "The American People"

2019-10-11 20:10:16 UTC  

Why did he start talking about trade when he was asked a direct question about the GI Bill?

2019-10-11 20:10:24 UTC  

Are you really this fucking stupid?

2019-10-11 20:10:28 UTC  

Obama is the Manchurian candidate

2019-10-11 20:10:38 UTC  

it's called knowing how to bring attention to the important issues

2019-10-11 20:10:44 UTC  

and deflecting sidelining tactics

2019-10-11 20:11:00 UTC  

he is a good speaker, that's an advanced technique

2019-10-11 20:11:08 UTC  

Sidelining a specific question to babble about how he met a bunch of people?

2019-10-11 20:11:21 UTC  

I am a veteran myself and I have much better care now

2019-10-11 20:11:36 UTC  

the question was obviously phrased to make trump look bad

2019-10-11 20:11:43 UTC  


2019-10-11 20:11:44 UTC  

so he deflected it into a positive message

2019-10-11 20:12:13 UTC  

and he didn't lie in the process, he gave a clear response and moved on

2019-10-11 20:12:33 UTC  

We are about to get more money on the GI Bill I thought

2019-10-11 20:12:42 UTC  

how was it phrased to make him look bad? What did he specifcally address about the GI Bill?

2019-10-11 20:12:50 UTC  

Is there something going on I didn't hear about

2019-10-11 20:13:04 UTC  

pretty sure that is from a very old debate

2019-10-11 20:13:07 UTC  

read the transcript.

2019-10-11 20:13:08 UTC  

or something

2019-10-11 20:13:08 UTC  

GG @Puerto Rican Nelson, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-10-11 20:13:17 UTC  

No, it was a television interview.

2019-10-11 20:13:38 UTC  

Okay I read it now

2019-10-11 20:13:48 UTC  

He was asked about the GI Bill, and he just said I want to help vets, Hillary doesn't, and that he met alot of people.

2019-10-11 20:13:55 UTC  

California wants to tell vets where they can and can't go to college

2019-10-11 20:14:04 UTC  

Trump blocked it

2019-10-11 20:14:40 UTC  

that has no revelance to the content of his response

2019-10-11 20:14:56 UTC  

California needs to keep there fucking hands out my fucking pocket lest I burn there state to the ground

2019-10-11 20:15:37 UTC  

I am not saying it is. Just staying on topic of this GI Bill discussion

2019-10-11 20:17:06 UTC  

we should stop supporting puerto rico

2019-10-11 20:17:15 UTC  

Who did he hire to help run the VA?

2019-10-11 20:17:56 UTC  

It's the veterans responsibility to go to a good college and get an education. If they waste it on a college that will fuck them over then that's there problem. They should have done there homework. I am a veteran. So I am the only one who should have an valid opinion on it.

2019-10-11 20:20:37 UTC  

. Trump and Perlmutter regularly talk on the phone and dine together when the president visits Mar-a-Lago. “On any veterans issue, the first person the president calls is Ike,” another former official said. Former administration officials say that VA leaders who were at odds with the Mar-A-Lago Crowd were pushed out or passed over. Included, those officials say, were the secretary (whose ethical lapses also played a role), deputy secretary, chief of staff, acting under secretary for health, deputy under secretary for health, chief information officer, and the director of electronic health records modernization.

At times, Perlmutter, Moskowitz and Sherman have created headaches for VA officials because of their failure to follow government rules and processes. In other cases, they used their influence in ways that could benefit their private interests. They say they never sought or received any financial gain for their advice to the VA.

2019-10-11 20:21:13 UTC  

California doesn't have the right to take authority of the GI Bill. The colleges that rip people off are a California issue. Not a VA issue. They need to use there so called "authority" to end keep there hands off myshit

2019-10-11 21:09:46 UTC  

What are you a veteran of?