Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 633321974495444992

2019-10-14 15:10:44 UTC  

I much prefer UBI type situation, let people train

2019-10-14 15:10:53 UTC  

jobs gurantee will become feeder for corporate slavery

2019-10-14 15:11:03 UTC  

with UBI, you can use the cushion to figure out your own thing

2019-10-14 15:11:09 UTC  

I don't see how they'd implement any of that.

2019-10-14 15:11:22 UTC  

nothing stopping it except political will

2019-10-14 15:11:40 UTC  

but many of those jobs would be anti economic, it woudd be cheaper to pay people to stay home

2019-10-14 15:11:44 UTC  

and not waste the office space

2019-10-14 15:12:07 UTC  

I'm also not huge fan of medicare for all, I would rather NHS style situation IF we have to have some sort of medical change

2019-10-14 15:12:18 UTC  

tie to military, and college loans, wipe that out in one package

2019-10-14 15:13:26 UTC  

Wait, wipe what in one package?

2019-10-14 15:13:34 UTC  

the student loans

2019-10-14 15:13:52 UTC  

Do you honestly believe that can actually happen in the US?

2019-10-14 15:14:12 UTC  

Not with current 'right wing' because they get butt hurt over everything

2019-10-14 15:14:22 UTC  

there is no 'economic' rationale against it

2019-10-14 15:14:34 UTC  

it's not about the numbers, it's about their feelings

2019-10-14 15:14:39 UTC  

Their entire existence is tied to it.

2019-10-14 15:14:40 UTC  

they dont want to give left any victories

2019-10-14 15:14:45 UTC  


2019-10-14 15:15:09 UTC  

"First we wipe out loans, then what? MORTGAGE? THAT'S COMMUNIST!"

2019-10-14 15:15:20 UTC  

And there it goes.

2019-10-14 15:15:25 UTC  

they were on guard when those GSEs were created

2019-10-14 15:15:42 UTC  

to think those companies had essentially a license to never lose money

2019-10-14 15:15:46 UTC  

and they still fucked up

2019-10-14 15:16:06 UTC  

that's my main beef with the big business right

2019-10-14 15:16:18 UTC  

their assumption about how smart those business leaders are is not grounded in reality or history

2019-10-14 15:16:50 UTC  

partly how trump got in too

2019-10-14 15:17:31 UTC  

Well, 2020 will be a shitshow for sure.

2019-10-14 15:17:49 UTC  

I really wanna see how democrats swing the Mueller report as well.

2019-10-14 15:17:53 UTC  


2019-10-14 15:18:00 UTC  


2019-10-14 15:18:05 UTC  


2019-10-14 15:18:11 UTC  

All that shit will converge in the next elections.

2019-10-14 15:18:20 UTC  

That's their gameplan against Trump it seems.

2019-10-14 15:18:30 UTC  

mmm stormy

2019-10-14 15:18:53 UTC  

Did you read the stories about her lawyer?

2019-10-14 15:18:56 UTC  


2019-10-14 15:18:59 UTC  

yea, he's a nut

2019-10-14 15:19:05 UTC  


2019-10-14 15:19:07 UTC  

He fucked up so hard after that.

2019-10-14 15:19:18 UTC  

it's hard to quit when you're ahead

2019-10-14 15:19:52 UTC  

Now he's awaiting trial for his charges of stealing from Stormy. lol