Message from @uh oh le monke

Discord ID: 660534091313184769

2019-12-28 17:21:24 UTC  

Now tell me why is he a good president

2019-12-28 17:21:35 UTC  

Why was Ukraine needing aid?

2019-12-28 17:21:36 UTC  

GG @Yusa, you just advanced to level 3!

2019-12-28 17:22:02 UTC  

It’s good for you to look at the whole story

2019-12-28 17:22:22 UTC  

Look it up and research before you argue with me

2019-12-28 17:22:34 UTC  

And yes the media is fair with

2019-12-28 17:22:38 UTC  


2019-12-28 17:23:34 UTC  

I already know. I’m seeing if you know. Why is he withholding military aid from Ukraine?

2019-12-28 17:24:06 UTC  

Because he’s trying to force them to investigate Biden

2019-12-28 17:24:21 UTC  

Educate yourself before you argue

2019-12-28 17:24:25 UTC  

Not necessarily

2019-12-28 17:24:38 UTC  

Educate yourself before you argue with me because I know everything that I’m saying is the truth

2019-12-28 17:24:45 UTC  

Like me or not I’m spitting out straight facts

2019-12-28 17:25:19 UTC  

Can you link me to your source?

2019-12-28 17:25:31 UTC  

No because I already educated myself

2019-12-28 17:25:41 UTC  

And I heard it from the media and from multiple news articles

2019-12-28 17:25:56 UTC  


2019-12-28 17:25:58 UTC  

Search it up

2019-12-28 17:26:21 UTC  

What news sources can I quote that you find trustworthy?

2019-12-28 17:26:27 UTC  

Why is it a problem to purchase Greenland

2019-12-28 17:26:39 UTC  

It’s not a problem it’s just dumb

2019-12-28 17:26:44 UTC  

He’s dumb he’s racist

2019-12-28 17:26:52 UTC  

We controlled Greenland from 1943-1955

2019-12-28 17:26:59 UTC  

Do we still control it

2019-12-28 17:27:00 UTC  

And we offered to buy it then.

2019-12-28 17:27:07 UTC  

Do we still control it

2019-12-28 17:27:18 UTC  

You seriously don’t know?

2019-12-28 17:27:28 UTC  

Do you control it.

2019-12-28 17:27:39 UTC  

What news sources can I quote that you find trustworthy?

2019-12-28 17:27:41 UTC  

Bro make an argument

2019-12-28 17:27:47 UTC  

Trump is the worst president of all time he is a racist he is a dumbass he got impeach and he doesn’t even know how to be a good president

2019-12-28 17:27:47 UTC  

GG @uh oh le monke, you just advanced to level 4!

2019-12-28 17:27:53 UTC  

He is a liar

2019-12-28 17:28:01 UTC  

Make America great again? Or make America worse again

2019-12-28 17:28:11 UTC  

Ya he’s a liar, I’m just saying he isn’t the worst..

2019-12-28 17:28:20 UTC  

Don’t fuck with Mexicans or any other racist

2019-12-28 17:28:23 UTC  

He is

2019-12-28 17:28:26 UTC  

All Presidents have to lie

2019-12-28 17:28:27 UTC  

GG @HeadlessCowboy, you just advanced to level 6!

2019-12-28 17:28:42 UTC  

Obama lied often

2019-12-28 17:28:43 UTC  

Nope he’s the biggest liar of them all