Message from @F-Star
Discord ID: 505789076390281216
communist indoctrination camps
Im not getting defensive i simply want to know why you think that way
David VS Goliath
because i've been to universities in europe
Communism is gay, and only Monarchy and Anarcho Capitalism is not a form of communism
Ok commie
I think thats true in social sciences departments but i feel like ive been learning lots of shit om other ones
For example linguistic classes
stem is fine, doesn't change the nature of the university as a commie indoctrination camp
The shit i learnt there is really worth something
Stem is rapidly becoming pozzed
We need a poll to find out whether or not I am a degenerate.
Engineering dept full of trannies
So all unis are commie indoctrination camps
what you took from it isnt the sum of what happens
leans toward making brainwashed commies
Yeah i really felt that while studying socilogy
Basic ideas were rich are bad
yeah sociology hurts to even think back to
Give poor more money and opputinities
Equity > equality
Fucking nigger
yt how to get into anime
[Hransrap:7293] how to get into anime
i've done proof reading and essay writing for sociology students i knew and the material is all straight up marxist
I spoke out against the ideas but the prof didnt really know what i was talking about so couldnt even bother tp disregard my opinunons
yt he bought?
[MrPlaid:3668] he bought?
yt Hoppe Physical Removal
[Tinker Tom:7934] Hoppe Physical Removal
She didnt even know what she was talking about
in their world you'd be lined up against the wall and shot
--tts sorry I'm at work
yt Hoppewave