Message from @System Authority
Discord ID: 505790082050162708
yt how to get into anime
[Hransrap:7293] how to get into anime
i've done proof reading and essay writing for sociology students i knew and the material is all straight up marxist
I spoke out against the ideas but the prof didnt really know what i was talking about so couldnt even bother tp disregard my opinunons
yt he bought?
[MrPlaid:3668] he bought?
yt Hoppe Physical Removal
[Tinker Tom:7934] Hoppe Physical Removal
She didnt even know what she was talking about
in their world you'd be lined up against the wall and shot
--tts sorry I'm at work
yt Hoppewave
[Tinker Tom:7934] Hoppewave
She coudlnt even hate me because she didnt have a clue a world outside of hers existed
I was just seeing whats up discord is kinda dead today
a lot of our people were killed in pittsburgh today
In theory anayway
Thats the exact opposite idea of universities
yt Ancap Paradise
@Tinker Tom up for cinema?
I'm playing roblox rn @Rael
someone had some fun in minecraft today
@Tinker Tom theres a rusky in my class whos ancap
Maybe in half an hour
@MrSpac Smart man
Wanted you to know
Like yoy
someone shot up a synogouge?
Better than communism tho
god dammit pewdiepie
Hes retarted
Ideas behind ancap are straight up utopian and hold no grounds inreality
>all jews need to die
>kills only 8 people
they make up 2 percent of the population or something
thats like