Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 664507220494516284

2020-01-08 16:28:10 UTC  

especially regarding Iran. All Iranians know about Mossedeh

2020-01-08 16:28:27 UTC  
2020-01-08 16:29:14 UTC  

Well ofcourse Iranian people are subjected to propaganda

2020-01-08 16:30:52 UTC  

Altho with the constant intrusion of the middle east, americans don’t really give themselfs a good rep amongst muslims

2020-01-08 16:32:11 UTC  

No I mean nowadays

2020-01-08 16:32:38 UTC  

Trump speech towing that SA/ISrael line to the bone

2020-01-08 16:32:43 UTC  

No free press, internet is heavily restricted

2020-01-08 16:32:46 UTC  

He just lied about Iran cash again

2020-01-08 16:33:11 UTC  

Hey everyone we should talk about Iran missiles hitting Iraq

2020-01-08 16:33:17 UTC  


2020-01-08 16:33:17 UTC  

Iran went on a terror spree funded by the money the democrats gave them yada yada

2020-01-08 16:33:25 UTC  


2020-01-08 16:33:59 UTC  

oh shit

2020-01-08 16:34:02 UTC  

call to action for europe

2020-01-08 16:34:07 UTC  

lol even CHina

2020-01-08 16:34:11 UTC  

We're gonna have a war in the middle east for this decade

2020-01-08 16:34:17 UTC  


2020-01-08 16:34:25 UTC  

Its sad

2020-01-08 16:34:27 UTC  

so basically Trump wants to replace the JCPOA with a JPCOA

2020-01-08 16:34:43 UTC  

Yea sort of

2020-01-08 16:34:49 UTC  

So how’s your 2020 going 🤣🤣🤣

2020-01-08 16:34:59 UTC  

trump stumbled over words

2020-01-08 16:35:02 UTC  

Kinda bad

2020-01-08 16:35:14 UTC  

You know how college is these days

2020-01-08 16:35:14 UTC  

"Today i am going to ask nato to become much more involved in the middle east process

2020-01-08 16:35:36 UTC  


2020-01-08 16:36:01 UTC  

What middle east process?

2020-01-08 16:36:05 UTC  

Well have a nice day to all

2020-01-08 16:36:09 UTC  

Good bye

2020-01-08 16:36:12 UTC  

"Our missiles are big, powerful, accurate, lethal and fast"

2020-01-08 16:36:22 UTC  

Starting wars so your industry can boom again

2020-01-08 16:36:33 UTC  

And all the contractors can make more money

2020-01-08 16:37:26 UTC  

so Trumps billionaire friends can make some more money

2020-01-08 16:37:46 UTC  

That’s not why he started it

2020-01-08 16:37:51 UTC  

the US is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it

2020-01-08 16:37:52 UTC  

Iran started the war

2020-01-08 16:37:59 UTC  


2020-01-08 16:38:05 UTC  

They were the first ones threatening.

2020-01-08 16:38:23 UTC  

All trump did was tighten sanctions just now which will strategically suffocate any attempt for creating nuclear weaponry.