Message from @Yotta

Discord ID: 665403958193422357

2020-01-11 03:54:08 UTC  

How does the stock market work?

2020-01-11 03:54:10 UTC  

Do you know?

2020-01-11 03:54:37 UTC  

How do banks operate? Who owns which news agency? What is the US policy on monitoring individuals?

2020-01-11 03:54:39 UTC  

You dont know

2020-01-11 03:54:42 UTC  

It works with electricity

2020-01-11 03:54:49 UTC  

And these are the things that define the shape of your reality

2020-01-11 03:54:55 UTC  

@Chameleon yeah lmao

2020-01-11 03:54:59 UTC  

You dont know how electricity works, imbecile

2020-01-11 03:55:04 UTC  

And you are surrounded by it

2020-01-11 03:55:34 UTC  

But @Yotta I agree with you first and when you ask what a phD you go all sicko mode on me wtf

2020-01-11 03:55:46 UTC  

Read up, you clearly missed the point, kid

2020-01-11 03:55:54 UTC  

Hmmmm did I

2020-01-11 03:56:00 UTC  

No, you clearly did not

2020-01-11 03:56:15 UTC  

Yup, all the way down to electrons ... but without electricity the stock market didn't work.

2020-01-11 03:56:31 UTC  

"What does a PhD mean?" You said that

2020-01-11 03:56:36 UTC  

There were stock markets before electricity, you fucking retard

2020-01-11 03:56:48 UTC  

Yes, in response to what and whom, kid?

2020-01-11 03:57:21 UTC  

He's saying that stock markets like electricity

2020-01-11 03:57:29 UTC  

Also dude why are you calling us names

2020-01-11 03:57:36 UTC  

I call people what they are

2020-01-11 03:57:46 UTC  

You want to act a fool, expect to be labeled as such

2020-01-11 03:57:49 UTC  

Ok dumb ass hoe bitch

2020-01-11 03:57:57 UTC  

Your insults dont work on me, you cant piss up

2020-01-11 03:57:59 UTC  

@xxxVoyageSpaceManxxx He needs to take a chill pill, lol. You too though

2020-01-11 03:58:04 UTC  

He has no respect for anyone ... if you haven't noticed yet

2020-01-11 03:58:14 UTC  
2020-01-11 03:58:17 UTC  

Why would I respect serfs that are willfully ignorant?

2020-01-11 03:58:39 UTC  

I have demonstrated that none of you know much, if anything...yet here you are, defending your bullshit

2020-01-11 03:58:58 UTC  

Oh, and your feelings are hurt 😦

2020-01-11 03:59:07 UTC  

@Chameleon I'm sorry for agreeing with him

2020-01-11 03:59:07 UTC  

GG @xxxVoyageSpaceManxxx, you just advanced to level 7!

2020-01-11 03:59:09 UTC  

Yea, you are indoor cats...stay indoors, kitties...

2020-01-11 03:59:20 UTC  

No your not hurting my feeling fool

2020-01-11 03:59:22 UTC  

So the passenger plane that crashed, by this point I think we could conclude that it got shot down.

2020-01-11 03:59:26 UTC  

Clearly, I am, child

2020-01-11 03:59:33 UTC  


2020-01-11 03:59:36 UTC  

It was shot down, according to the media

2020-01-11 03:59:38 UTC  

because you will surround yourself with professional cheaters and not gain any respect from us

2020-01-11 03:59:53 UTC  

@Yotta I watched a video of it crashing, it's kind of disturbing to watch actually.

2020-01-11 04:00:01 UTC  

I have a degree in nearly everything...while you dont know shit...guess who wins

2020-01-11 04:00:07 UTC  
