Message from @Rael
Discord ID: 505421575890141185
i dont remember her committing any crime
whoa did you just assume that because shes black shes a criminal uhhh racist
he criminalized her by insinuating she was guilty
because crime is for blacks
@saN has been unmuted.
that the fuck is up with this nigger's hair, it looks like vinyl or something
im calling the internet police for your racism
its pencilled on
niggas bald
strong SEMINOLE genes do not go bald though
>tfw still not suspended on twitter
@saN how long till you get muted again
@SuperDrBacon✔꧁꧂ who the fuck are you?
looks like his hair is painted on
it is
who cares
vinyl hair
wear your own hair
>ethnicity: caucasian
if it doesnt fit the narrative its not brought up
Native American
>not knowing by now that caucasian doesn't mean the same as white
i think jews fall under the same label as caucasian
his twitter is 100% propaganda
oh yeah some, only when it benefits them
watch me getting suspended
idk how your not already suspended tbh
furry magic
No, I mean ethiopian jews are definitely not caucasian
i get banned in like minutes
>1488 on profile background
>says i am a Nationalist/Fascist in BIO
>Assad did nothing wrong as a name
>Polish President Heiling on the backgroud
>blocked my at least 100 people
>spammed anti left stuff
>not suspended