Message from @GGPL
Discord ID: 505422315270569991
it is
who cares
vinyl hair
wear your own hair
>ethnicity: caucasian
if it doesnt fit the narrative its not brought up
Native American
>not knowing by now that caucasian doesn't mean the same as white
i think jews fall under the same label as caucasian
his twitter is 100% propaganda
oh yeah some, only when it benefits them
watch me getting suspended
idk how your not already suspended tbh
No, I mean ethiopian jews are definitely not caucasian
i get banned in like minutes
>1488 on profile background
>says i am a Nationalist/Fascist in BIO
>Assad did nothing wrong as a name
>Polish President Heiling on the backgroud
>blocked my at least 100 people
>spammed anti left stuff
>not suspended
I can create accounts faster then they can delete them lol
You don't need a phone number to make an account brainlet
yeah but if you get reported a few times it asks for a phone number
That's where the new account comes in
hmm ok
At one point I made about 3 accounts a minute and they lasted maybe 4 minutes average
>tfw never suspended
i made an account a few days ago and it got locked before i even tweeted
asking for number
It got tiresome though and my proxy list quickly got used