Message from @mari the genie
Discord ID: 686144554449109015
Thailand Numbah Juan
Anyone have experience making mead? I started some in November but i think i added the yeast too soon after i dissolved the honey and killed them. I tossed some more yeast in there about a month and a half ago, and didn't get the bubbling typical of fermenting, but it definitely has alcohol in it, based on taste and smell
Giving a glass a try tonight, I've pasteurized and filtered it, and doesn't taste or smell toxic, but still a bit concerned about methanol, since this is my first time homebrewing and i want to get good at that, booze would surely be a valuable resource when SHTF
never made mead before but the way my dad used to deal with methanol was by pitching a bit off the top of distilled alcohol and by tapping the bottom
it was fun to set on fire
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Dont care didnt ask
Dont care didnt ask
nice profile pic for server
at least the people who are actually active here appreciate it <:apusalt:673419498354638873>
fuck didn't even realize I wasn't in general though <:brainlet:673420779832213514>
Dont care didn't ask
<:gunleft:673423959198531594> <:janny:673430562131673088> <:gunright:673424106686775344>
@itstooslim appreciate me
thank u
Good boy
Condoms and shit tickets
How practical would drugs be in SHTF bartering? Not just useful drugs like morphine or other painkillers, but like, meth, heroin, acid, shit like that. Bc I keep thinking that in situations where bare basic necessities (ie; food, shelter, heat, etc.) outweigh the need for superficial items, drugs wouldn't be as important, or would it? Since drugs are coveted now that we live comfortably, what more if people are just wanting a fix to help deal with SHTF
Drugs will barter the same way alcohol will.
painkillers and nsaids will be very in demand later on since there would be no normal medical care
antibiotics too
also meds would expire within some years and no more would be made
What will be the defacto currency
supplies duh
bartering not monetary
I mean what will be the new standard
how tf we supposed to know
prolly end up being some basic necessity
but barter will rule
maybe years down the line, there will be some kinda standard