Message from @Chef Retardee
Discord ID: 505442321739939840
what a fucking world that'd be
Denial, anger, Bargaining, depression, and acceptance
the dick that turned the lesbian straight
the old fairy tale
Von might feel better if he accepted the fact that he's a bi furry weeb femboy trap
@Radmiran Westfurrow Just become a trap already nigger, you can't escape it.
I just,
@Chef Retardee And you're not going to hell you're a good boy :^)
Just accept it Von
Record your trappings
and make some money
start cosplaying
and a cosplay patreon
Take your life as a bottom trap or leave it.
@the_bestapo nigga I torture micw for fun
he'll be like onlyafro, but actually making porn
You know how much fucking money you'd make?
But if you leave it, don't be surprised if you find nothing else
I would trap them and shoot them with my Daisy rifle and leave them to die
Their brain exposed
Blood pouring out
Animals don't have souls
so you're fine :^)
Animals have primal urges
Like NPCs
@Radmiran Westfurrow Become the trap you always wanted to be
*bi furry trap @the_bestapo
I never wanted this. I just wanted to make her happy, I just wanted to make everyone happy
He has a fursona cheeki tricked him into making
And one I made for him
Well not me
Holy shit von is the mastershibe2.0
I paid his "gf" steam items to make it
@argil well he does call himself diet shibe for a reason
>everyone happy
Nigga you knew this'd happen
did you expect the fucking