Message from @C.
Discord ID: 505798541973651456
@C. you mean the reply?
Put some lighter clothes on
>several people are typing
hey if you're gonna shoot up someplace atleast let the FBI know I have no goddamn idea who you are please don't touch me @bimmler
And fishnets are the tights choice of prostitutes
god FUCK
this will be my wedding dress
There we go, far better.
It’s actually really good
Pretty good
Too many puffs
I have no objections. A decent piece of clothing right there
All I ever wear is blue jeans and a plain white t-shirt, that's all I need
Now if it was that other dress with that color it be better
so thats what you'll wear to ur wedding?
Last one I had made is now too small
Minimalistic shirt (ie either solid color or minimal design) and cargo pants for me
I used to have one of those Hitman suits
Shit was dope yo with the fucking thin red tie
And I was bald when I got it
I have a hitman blazer somewhere
Shirt I wore with the jacket and trousers I had tailored was a dark blue and the tie was also blue.
It has a SHIT ton of pockets
I want to get one of those bulletproof suits
Well, you do live in gunland so that makes sense
And that’s bad how?
I'm taking the piss.
I'd take a bulletproof suit, hopefully it helps prevent knife attacks, too
so someone can say something stupid and I just shoot myself in the stomach and fall to the ground
You know just here at the wedding
I'll look fallout's next to Uncle Carl
my fav outfit 😍 💕
Why is Fallout pulling out his gun