Message from @Deleted User

Discord ID: 556748810433462273

2019-03-16 16:37:52 UTC  

Society built upon warfare will always have warfare.

2019-03-16 16:38:07 UTC  

msm is trying to make everyone look bad about it

2019-03-16 16:52:55 UTC  


2019-03-17 07:54:26 UTC  

@Deleted User we dont like you either

2019-03-17 07:55:16 UTC  

@OtabianKnight why’s that?

2019-03-17 07:56:30 UTC  

@Deleted User a person who can't respect religions deserves no respect

2019-03-17 07:57:15 UTC  

Actually I can, but when certain religions restrict people and make them hate people for who they love that’s where I have to put my foot down @OtabianKnight

2019-03-17 07:57:40 UTC  

Do you even know anything about Islam

2019-03-17 07:57:45 UTC  

But it’s not like you care, you’re extremely sad over that attack aren’t you ?

2019-03-17 07:57:49 UTC  

What are your thoughts on Christianity?

2019-03-17 07:58:09 UTC  

@OtabianKnight yes I do and I know what their thoughts are on homosexuality and women

2019-03-17 07:58:31 UTC  

@noahh's Test Acc you’re asking me or the other guy ?

2019-03-17 07:58:39 UTC  

Christianity if a Christian does everything in allah told them to do in the bible allah will reward them

2019-03-17 07:58:43 UTC  

You 😄

2019-03-17 07:58:58 UTC  

As a Christian, you are taught homosexuality is wrong, making people feel shame for who they love.

2019-03-17 07:59:43 UTC  

If the one they love is of the same biological gender they themselves are, making them homosexual of course.

2019-03-17 07:59:47 UTC  

So like stoning people-to death, killing gays and oppressing women ok, if that’s what you think a ‘perfect religion’ is then ok 👌

2019-03-17 08:00:06 UTC  

@noahh's Test Acc that’s so right, you arnet born with hate , it’s taught

2019-03-17 08:00:28 UTC  


2019-03-17 08:00:58 UTC  

So assuming you are basing your hatred towards the Islam faith off of one being shamed for who they love, you also hate Christians?

2019-03-17 08:01:00 UTC  

Plus aren’t you guys taught not to judge people and that god made them that way? @noahh's Test Acc

2019-03-17 08:01:33 UTC  

I don’t hate Christians or Muslims I hate some of the stuff they say or stuff they believe in

2019-03-17 08:01:37 UTC  
2019-03-17 08:03:31 UTC  

@Deleted User while homosexuality is forbidden in islam we cant kill them because of it nor can i judge them I'm not allah so its not my place to judge them

2019-03-17 08:03:33 UTC  

That's a better way of phrasing it. And you are correct, Christians are taught to love, not judge, but at the same time Christians are taught homosexuality is wrong. One who happens to be gay ~~would~~ *should* not be shamed in the eyes of a Christian, but in the eyes of God.

2019-03-17 08:04:16 UTC  

Most of them think they are entitled to demonise people who r homosexual, and make their lives worse. Which just isn’t right, clearly ofc you can see that @noahh's Test Acc

2019-03-17 08:05:27 UTC  

Like the west boro Baptist church

2019-03-17 08:09:45 UTC  

Oh, yes. Of course that happens, as people are sinful. That *is* why i put 'should'. Those who judge and cast out people due to one's sexuality or believes will, like everyone else, be judged themselves in the eyes of God. Breaking the *golden rule* isn't exactly a check on the nice list 😉

2019-03-17 08:10:29 UTC  

Look a civilised and rational discussion we are having here is great, both getting sides across and we’re both happy.

2019-03-17 08:10:48 UTC  

Can I ruin it?

2019-03-17 08:11:02 UTC  

@noahh's Test Acc btw that’s pretty much my only problem with Christianity , apart from that your religion in my opinion is much more calmer

2019-03-17 08:11:03 UTC  

gay should be stoned

2019-03-17 08:11:16 UTC  

they are a abomination to society

2019-03-17 08:11:20 UTC  

they arent normal

2019-03-17 08:11:25 UTC  

No they shouldn't

2019-03-17 08:11:27 UTC  

mental freaks

2019-03-17 08:11:29 UTC  

Ughh don’t bother replying to me blue, he stirs up problems in the discord all the time

2019-03-17 08:11:36 UTC  

I do not like any religion as it has been a constant excuse for violence or war.

2019-03-17 08:11:47 UTC  


2019-03-17 08:11:49 UTC  


2019-03-17 08:11:51 UTC  

Or lack of it 😄