Message from @fuck12moredeadcops

Discord ID: 640627412945731599

2019-11-03 18:55:57 UTC  


2019-11-03 18:56:00 UTC  

There’s aliens, they just haven’t been here.

2019-11-03 18:56:27 UTC  

Or so your think.

2019-11-03 18:56:33 UTC  

If think shit like plateus and the nazca lines means there were probably extraterrestrial visitors, you’re actually a nutjob

2019-11-03 18:56:39 UTC  

Because there’s no empirical reason to think that

2019-11-03 18:57:10 UTC  

And if we’re just using logical explanation, there are far more likely non-alien explanations

2019-11-03 18:57:17 UTC  

Your not getting the point here nobody is saying it was aliens. You actually are a slave to society.

2019-11-03 18:57:51 UTC  

You dont even know what an alien is which means you know nothing about ancient entities that have been recorded through ancient tablets

2019-11-03 18:58:33 UTC  

Ok golden.

2019-11-03 18:58:43 UTC  

Ancient deities are aliens

2019-11-03 18:58:54 UTC  

There’s no other material explanation or logical conclusion to reach

2019-11-03 19:00:40 UTC  

“The Bible is not an Holy Book” is his sixth book, preceded by“There is no creation in the Bible”, “The Alien God of the Bible”, “The book that will forever change our ideas about the Bible”,“Resurrection Reincarnation”, “Roman Catholic Church and Freemasonry”.

2019-11-03 19:01:01 UTC  

Do you

2019-11-03 19:01:08 UTC  

Do you actually take this guy seriously?

2019-11-03 19:02:34 UTC  

If you literally interpret the Bible, and you take it as a literal account of events, then it might read like God is an alien but it’s a mythology written in an ancient language very different from our contemporary languages and is full of things we know for a fact didn’t happen, and which are physically impossible

2019-11-03 19:02:57 UTC  

Do you like to have your thought subjugated by what we have? Hitler wanted to create a religion of his own that showed ancient Germanic people were the true leaders of humanity. There has been alot of changing of the bible and religious records to guide people in a certain direction, otherwise control.

2019-11-03 19:03:26 UTC  

So you don't want to use your mind and actually think freely then so be it, you will see.

2019-11-03 19:03:31 UTC  

It’s impossible to not have my thoughts influenced by what I consume. Nobody can inculcate themselves from social engineering

2019-11-03 19:03:48 UTC  

The reason why I’m not taking it seriously is because I am using my mind and thinking freely

2019-11-03 19:04:37 UTC  

Like I’ve got a coherent materialist lens which I’m applying and if the material reality I’m perceiving is true, and sense data is accurate, the Bible cannot be a literal account of ancient Hebrews interacting with an extraterrestrial

2019-11-03 19:04:44 UTC  

Ok then if your a free thinker you should have been able to look into the issue and actually understand it all.

2019-11-03 19:05:18 UTC  

You literally believe that what is written wasnt changed for the benefit of a society/community of individuals that wanted to have control?

2019-11-03 19:05:48 UTC  

Known all through out history dude.

2019-11-03 19:06:11 UTC  

Common sense and your telling me its all fake lol.

2019-11-03 19:06:25 UTC  

Literally physical evidence ive been offering here.

2019-11-03 19:07:06 UTC  

It’s a document which has been translated and retranslated several times, of course it’s been changed to benefit clergy and certain people in power, and reading two different translations is like reading two entirely different books sometimes

2019-11-03 19:07:10 UTC  

But what doesn’t make dollars

2019-11-03 19:07:13 UTC  

Is this idea

2019-11-03 19:07:23 UTC  

That certain events literally happened

2019-11-03 19:07:29 UTC  

Because they’re impossible materially

2019-11-03 19:07:53 UTC  

Even when I was religious I made this concession that certain things were part of an Abrahamic mythology, not literal.

2019-11-03 19:08:14 UTC  

Everything has an "Intelligent Designer" Don't think otherwise.

2019-11-03 19:08:59 UTC  

We don’t really have evidence to support that

2019-11-03 19:09:16 UTC  

And again there’s logical explanations which don’t have to take so many leaps to explain our complex material reality

2019-11-03 19:09:42 UTC  

The asteroid belt is the remains of a planet that smashed into our planet. Made up the moon and the rest orbited the sun.

2019-11-03 19:11:53 UTC  

That’s not really the current astronomical theory

2019-11-03 19:12:20 UTC  

Yea, we believe in the theory they tell us to believe.

2019-11-03 19:12:43 UTC  

I think it’s like they say the asteroid belt was made of planetsimals, then as Jupiter and Mars got bigger, the gravity broke them up into asteroids

2019-11-03 19:15:00 UTC  

The point im trying to make is that this so called planet was home to a special race o entities, they needed gold to save their atmosphere because gold is a reflectant. Gold is used in astronaut helmets so yes. Unfortunately their world didnt last for ever and eventually broke up near our planet then it hit so called uranus which is on its side.

2019-11-03 19:16:26 UTC