Message from @Vlad

Discord ID: 679438598457655348

2020-02-18 21:20:02 UTC  

I promise it's not a lie and it happens in real life.

2020-02-18 21:20:14 UTC  

I know it happens in real life

2020-02-18 21:20:18 UTC  

That makes sense

2020-02-18 21:20:25 UTC  

So, think about how it happens and why.

2020-02-18 21:20:30 UTC  

Here's what I can deduce:

2020-02-18 21:21:01 UTC  

Cells and life are already in the cage in the form of bacteria or kindom protista

2020-02-18 21:21:17 UTC  

Those cells can grow to be visible

2020-02-18 21:21:48 UTC  

That would explain the white worms phenomenon

2020-02-18 21:23:33 UTC  

Also, that's not an example of spontaneous generation of life. The white worms "appeared" when the guinea pig started making a mess

2020-02-18 21:23:47 UTC  

@Vlad Therefore, that example does not prove your point

2020-02-18 21:25:21 UTC  

Well, you're wrong.

2020-02-18 21:25:24 UTC  

First of all.

2020-02-18 21:25:27 UTC  

Alright, prove it

2020-02-18 21:25:39 UTC  

Wdym prove it

2020-02-18 21:25:52 UTC  

Give me logical behind your reproof

2020-02-18 21:25:59 UTC  

The idea is that when you get conditions

2020-02-18 21:26:01 UTC  

you get life.

2020-02-18 21:26:08 UTC  

In a cage with piss and shit

2020-02-18 21:26:17 UTC  

if you get warmth and water, which you do,

2020-02-18 21:26:20 UTC  

you get simple forms of life.

2020-02-18 21:26:25 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:26:32 UTC  


2020-02-18 21:27:22 UTC  

By the same token, there were conditions that originated the first forms of life, which eventually turned into us through a long process.

2020-02-18 21:27:27 UTC  

Have you learned basic biology? It's not that simple. Cells are complex and have a delicate balance in order to survive

2020-02-18 21:27:41 UTC  

I've learned more biology than you as it would seem.

2020-02-18 21:27:45 UTC  

It really is that simple.

2020-02-18 21:27:56 UTC  

Try it in your home.

2020-02-18 21:28:11 UTC  

There is bacteria in the shit

2020-02-18 21:28:18 UTC  

There is bacteria in the pee

2020-02-18 21:28:39 UTC  

There's bacteria in the brain.

2020-02-18 21:28:45 UTC  

There is even bacteria in the water

2020-02-18 21:28:58 UTC  

Also, not all bacteria are parasites

2020-02-18 21:29:10 UTC  

Do you understand the example

2020-02-18 21:29:13 UTC  

In fact, just a select few are parasites

2020-02-18 21:29:19 UTC  

or are you gonna continue digging into pointless details?

2020-02-18 21:29:26 UTC  

Yes, I understand the example. It doesn't prove your point

2020-02-18 21:29:30 UTC  

Oh, okay.

2020-02-18 21:29:32 UTC  

God did it then.

2020-02-18 21:29:44 UTC  

Problem solved.

2020-02-18 21:30:26 UTC  

are you actually arguing that water + warmth will make organisms?

2020-02-18 21:30:50 UTC  

You're right about the right conditions making the worms. But it's actually the bacteria that grows to make the worms