Message from @michael

Discord ID: 578724194284470282

2019-05-16 23:19:59 UTC  

hold on Ashnaa

2019-05-16 23:20:02 UTC  

the bible saids it

2019-05-16 23:20:02 UTC  

i wanna keep on this

2019-05-16 23:20:37 UTC  

I dont think youre a troll for hating gay people and expressing your opinion in chat

2019-05-16 23:20:43 UTC  

and neither do you

2019-05-16 23:21:03 UTC  

so why is it that Im a troll for doing the same thing except instead of hating gay people my belief is that you are a dictator

2019-05-16 23:21:48 UTC  

why is hating gay people have to do with anything in this conversation

2019-05-16 23:21:55 UTC  

Its an analogy

2019-05-16 23:22:07 UTC  

please read and understand my analogy

2019-05-16 23:22:11 UTC  

then answer my question

2019-05-16 23:22:18 UTC  

do not try to change the subject

2019-05-16 23:22:25 UTC  

im not you are

2019-05-16 23:22:37 UTC  

okay cool now read my analogy

2019-05-16 23:22:39 UTC  

you are changing the subject by bring up why i hate gay people

2019-05-16 23:22:40 UTC  

and answer my question

2019-05-16 23:22:44 UTC  


2019-05-16 23:22:44 UTC  


2019-05-16 23:22:47 UTC  


2019-05-16 23:23:06 UTC  

so you changing your subject is your analogy

2019-05-16 23:23:07 UTC  

analogy- a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.

2019-05-16 23:23:20 UTC  

I am comparing

2019-05-16 23:23:26 UTC  

me and my belief that you are a dictator

2019-05-16 23:23:32 UTC  

and you and your hate for gays

2019-05-16 23:23:40 UTC  

but I dont get it on how hating gays resembles me as a dictator

2019-05-16 23:24:04 UTC  

or why bringing it up

2019-05-16 23:24:11 UTC  

You hold the view that you dislike gays and express it in chat

2019-05-16 23:24:17 UTC  


2019-05-16 23:24:21 UTC  

I hold the view that you are a dictator and express it in chat

2019-05-16 23:24:31 UTC  

so why am I a troll

2019-05-16 23:24:34 UTC  

and you arent?

2019-05-16 23:24:41 UTC  


2019-05-16 23:24:57 UTC  

It could **NOT** get simpler then that

2019-05-16 23:25:00 UTC  

It cant

2019-05-16 23:25:18 UTC  

so if you dont understand now then I cannot help you

2019-05-16 23:25:20 UTC  

because its a different thing I hate gay people but I dont hold "beliefs" that I hate gay people

2019-05-16 23:25:34 UTC  

so beliefs make u a troll?

2019-05-16 23:25:37 UTC  

boi what the hell do you think a belief is

2019-05-16 23:25:52 UTC  


2019-05-16 23:26:03 UTC  

something you think is there

2019-05-16 23:26:20 UTC  

or truly something you believe

2019-05-16 23:26:34 UTC  

so you do not believe you hate gay people then?