Message from @$iffyßoy
Discord ID: 587769345405485165
There, thus, can only be two biological sexes for human beings. In syllogistic form, what I am arguing is this:
Biological sex is defined in relation to the roles played in sexual reproduction.
Sexual reproduction involves only two, namely, male and female.
Thus, biological sex is only two, namely, male or female.
This is sex
Not gender
Defects occur in nature, but defects imply a norm from which they deflect. A castrated man is still a male; a female with a mastectomy is still a female. The fact that one is born with ambiguous genitalia does not do away with one’s true sex. That it is hard to identify someone as male or female does not mean one is neither. Identical twins are hard to distinguish, but they are still distinct persons. Epistemological problems need not entail ontological ones.
not science
Siffybitch blockked me
They are 2 different things
I personally dont give a shit how many genders there are
I think you are the only tard here m8
if you want to be called a t rex
i call you a t rex
Dude gender is stupid
We should revert back to distinguishing people based on their sex instead
I like sex
a synonym for it is GENDER
Look up the definition of gender
No it’s not
There is importance tho in the ability to distinguish and interpret when someone saying gender means sex
They are two different things
no they arent
Yea but if he wants to come here and debate he should know what he is talking about
read the definition for both
you idiot
shall we?
Imagine debating online
Fuckin no lives
imagine saying that
I did say it
Therefore can't imagine