Message from @abby_ella

Discord ID: 684710028111773696

2020-03-04 10:23:51 UTC  

Oh, so it’s just a white supremacy thing, thanks for clearing that up

2020-03-04 10:23:57 UTC  


2020-03-04 10:24:05 UTC  

straight to calling you a racist

2020-03-04 10:24:09 UTC  

so predictable

2020-03-04 10:24:12 UTC  


2020-03-04 10:25:49 UTC  

Yes, it should be predictable, since her problem with immigration is with “denationalization” in “all WHITE countries”

2020-03-04 10:26:45 UTC  

It really has nothing at all to do with "white". Aristotle wrote about it LONG AGO. It's a proven way to cause malcontent and civil unrest

2020-03-04 10:26:52 UTC  

which allows tryants to tyrant

2020-03-04 10:26:57 UTC  

this is basic shit

2020-03-04 10:27:37 UTC  

> Heterogeneity of stocks may lead to faction – at any rate until they have had time to assimilate. A city cannot be constituted from any chance collection of people, or in any chance period of time. Most of the cities which have admitted settlers, either at the time of their foundation or later, have been troubled by faction. For example, the Achaeans joined with settlers from Troezen in founding Sybaris, but expelled them when their own numbers increased; and this involved their city in a curse. At Thurii the Sybarites quarreled with the other settlers who had joined them in its colonization; they demanded special privileges, on the ground that they were the owners of the territory, and were driven out of the colony. At Byzantium the later settlers were detected in a conspiracy against the original colonists, and were expelled by force; and a similar expulsion befell the exiles from Chios who were admitted to Antissa by the original colonists. At Zancle, on the other hand, the original colonists were themselves expelled by the Samians whom they admitted. At Apollonia, on the Black Sea, factional conflict was caused by the introduction of new settlers; at Syracuse the conferring of civic rights on aliens and mercenaries, at the end of the period of the tyrants, led to sedition and civil war; and at Amphipolis the original citizens, after admitting Chalcidian colonists, were nearly all expelled by the colonists they had admitted.

2020-03-04 10:28:29 UTC  

people try to make it about race because they don't want to have an honest conversation about it

2020-03-04 10:29:45 UTC  

it so happens that currently it's nations that have traditionally been majority white, but that has fuck all to do with anything

2020-03-04 10:30:27 UTC  

Aristotle was also Greek philosopher from 2300 years ago, from a vastly different culture and historical context. That’s meaningless for 2020

2020-03-04 10:30:34 UTC  


2020-03-04 10:30:56 UTC  

Aristotle is irrelevant everybody

2020-03-04 10:31:08 UTC  

that is some next level NPC shit

2020-03-04 10:31:27 UTC  

Lol guys, immigrants are bad because a 2300 year old Greek guy said so

2020-03-04 10:31:38 UTC  

He also thought fire was an element

2020-03-04 10:31:41 UTC  

Aristotle's dumbest statement is more relevant than anything you've ever done in your life

2020-03-04 10:32:47 UTC  

People still write about him and talk about to this day, 2000+ years later. Here you are on Discord saying he's irrelevant. Funny shit

2020-03-04 10:33:11 UTC  

Hey, Aristotle was a smart guy for his time, but again, you’re removing his quote from it’s cultural and historical context and trying to force it to apply to your vision of how the world should look in 2020

2020-03-04 10:34:05 UTC  

how precisely is what he's saying about immigrants that don't assimilate to their host countries irrelevant?

2020-03-04 10:34:14 UTC  

have humans evolved past all that kind of behavior?

2020-03-04 10:34:19 UTC  

we're too modern for that now

2020-03-04 10:34:21 UTC  


2020-03-04 10:34:53 UTC  

or is it because what he said doesn't fit the narrative you want to push

2020-03-04 10:34:58 UTC  

Obviously you haven’t. Not sure about the rest of us

2020-03-04 10:35:21 UTC  

so you can't precisely explain why his statements are irrelevant, got it

2020-03-04 10:36:00 UTC  

you don't think past it being the "nice thing to do"

2020-03-04 10:36:07 UTC  

everybody just be nice guys

2020-03-04 10:36:19 UTC  

everything will work itself out if we're just nice

2020-03-04 10:38:36 UTC  

I disagree with your assessment of my views but as disturbed by your apparent belief that being nice is somehow a bad thing

2020-03-04 10:38:55 UTC  

It's not a bad thing

2020-03-04 10:39:09 UTC  

but it isn't sufficient all on its own

2020-03-04 10:39:26 UTC  

you said Aristotle was irrelevant

2020-03-04 10:39:34 UTC  

I'd love to know why you think that

2020-03-04 10:41:17 UTC  

a man known as "The Father of Western Philosophy" has been deemed irrelevant by some random girl on Discord

2020-03-04 10:41:23 UTC  

As I said, his views on immigration and culture come from within his own time and culture, thus aren’t inherently relevant to us today. His scientific work was a great start, but again, we know and understand so much more than he did, that his understanding of the natural world doesn’t really have any power to explain things.

2020-03-04 10:41:44 UTC  

but why is what he said irrelevant?

2020-03-04 10:42:03 UTC  

Why do you think he’s so relevant? Besides that some unidentified people still write about him

2020-03-04 10:42:07 UTC  
