Message from @Mee6

Discord ID: 701556349342973963

2020-04-19 22:05:10 UTC  

Because I only believe people like me should have rights, cis straight people with autism

2020-04-19 22:05:25 UTC  

not homosexuals, normal people etc

2020-04-19 22:07:33 UTC  

Why not?

2020-04-19 22:08:42 UTC  

Normal people and deviants should bow down to the autists, I am merely taking up the sexuality from my biological urges also

2020-04-19 22:08:51 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:11:22 UTC  

The Who? 😂

2020-04-19 22:11:43 UTC  

Why do you think they shouldn’t have the same rights you do?

2020-04-19 22:12:12 UTC  

I don’t think I asked if they were normal or not, I think I asked why shouldn’t they have rights?

2020-04-19 22:12:22 UTC  

Give me a logical reason besides an insult.

2020-04-19 22:12:24 UTC  

Or science.

2020-04-19 22:12:34 UTC  

look at @un chien m'a léché un pbj😳 using the "YOU'RE NORMAL??? WHAT THE FUCK" argument

2020-04-19 22:12:46 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:12:47 UTC  

Those who don't conform to the natural way will be eliminated due to a lack of reproduction therefore we should speed up the process

2020-04-19 22:13:11 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:13:13 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:13:15 UTC  

Im confused

2020-04-19 22:13:22 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:13:47 UTC  

Gay people don't have straight sex and reproduce therefore they should be culled to save resources and the wait time of nature to take it's course

2020-04-19 22:14:01 UTC  

Reproduce ? Wym.

2020-04-19 22:14:27 UTC  

Im bisexula

2020-04-19 22:14:27 UTC  

GG @psychodellic_zombie420, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-04-19 22:14:43 UTC  

What do you mean reproduce ?

2020-04-19 22:15:00 UTC  

helloooo sir

2020-04-19 22:15:26 UTC  

Their traits will not be passed on

2020-04-19 22:15:40 UTC  

Due to their behavior which is not favorable

2020-04-19 22:15:54 UTC  

In the natural state these people would contribute almost nothing and die

2020-04-19 22:16:03 UTC  

Without children to pass on their legacy

2020-04-19 22:17:37 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:17:38 UTC  

They would just drain resources without benefits

2020-04-19 22:17:44 UTC  

What traits?

2020-04-19 22:18:08 UTC  

Their genetic traits

2020-04-19 22:18:14 UTC  

Genetic ?

2020-04-19 22:18:16 UTC  

The whole point of intercourse is to pass these

2020-04-19 22:18:22 UTC  

What does genetics have anything to do with sexuality ?

2020-04-19 22:18:26 UTC  

And gay intercourse doesn't do this

2020-04-19 22:18:38 UTC  


2020-04-19 22:18:38 UTC  

GG @un chien m'a léché un pbj😳, you just advanced to level 18!

2020-04-19 22:18:50 UTC  

Just because they don’t decide to have kids doesn’t mean they shouldn’t have rights

2020-04-19 22:18:54 UTC  

I don’t want a kid 😂

2020-04-19 22:19:10 UTC  

And I know a few men who don’t want to have a kid either

2020-04-19 22:19:25 UTC  

Who are straight ^