Message from @run 120 minutes lose 120 pounds

Discord ID: 704520380919840788

2020-04-28 02:03:50 UTC  

If you have an incompetent person or persons handing over the power you'll have an incompetent system

2020-04-28 02:04:40 UTC  

I believe in republicanism and I don't even want monarchy, but the lack of social mobility in monarchy was good for the time because it's a highly conservative system for a civilization that's achieved an acceptable level of greatness

2020-04-28 02:05:11 UTC  

I think right now we've shrunken from that so feudal monarchy isn't really gonna be good (especially in a post-industrial society)

2020-04-28 02:13:11 UTC  

I kinda want to address what the major flaws of monarchy are in my opinion before we move on. I think they are twofold. Firstly, there is the eventual chance based on math alone that a totally incompetent leader will come from genetic succession and dismantle a competent and functional system as a result of their incompetence based solely on his genetic relationship with the previous leader. The second flaw comes from the consolidation of power under a single individual. You have much less chances of gaining a successful leader through genetic succession than through election and demonstrations of merit. That's simply the case because power is consolidated under a single person and as such that person will usually never have the acumen to manage all aspects of an empire properly. It certainly isn't a perfect system but I think it works significantly better and I think that's demonstrable from history. I mostly agree with the republican system as being the best compromise between representation while preventing the tyranny of the masses and simultaneously providing a sort of safety net of competence in leaders. If that makes any sense.

2020-04-28 02:13:53 UTC  

Ack I dropped a sentence, fuck

2020-04-28 02:14:37 UTC  

Ok fixed it

2020-04-28 02:25:26 UTC  


2020-04-28 02:25:34 UTC  

Don’t delete what I said

2020-04-28 02:25:49 UTC  


2020-04-28 02:25:57 UTC  

As I was SAYIN

2020-04-28 02:26:02 UTC  

paragraphs ? Nani

2020-04-28 02:26:46 UTC  

Uhh I can't really abridge this one sorry

2020-04-28 02:27:42 UTC  

Get out

2020-04-28 02:28:36 UTC  

Well as I said, I don't believe we should have a monarchy. My whole point was to say that feudal monarchy was an incredibly conservative system, and is great for preserving a great civilization. As for what you said regarding your position on the flaws of monarchy, I see flaws in your reasoning here, i'll try to address it point by point:

1: In a Monarchy, you can have a bad ruler. This is impossible to not admit. There have been bad monarchs, there are bad monarchs, and there will be bad monarchs. However with a Feudal monarchy the ruler derives his power from the hierarchy he's at the top of. There is the monarch, then the vassals, all the way down to the serf. Each part of the hierarchy gives power to the man above him. If the Monarch is a failure, then the vassals will simply refuse to support his bad actions (in most cases). This leads to an incredible ability to preserve a nations stability, however it does not lead to a country advancing as much as ,say, the system the Roman Empire had would. A Monarch could come and ruin everything, so could a republic, the difference is with a Monarchy is that when the monarch is bad they normally lose their ability to exercise their power while in a democracy they would still legally have the power to implement their bad actions.

2: From what I can tell, your argument here is mostly that a system that has an Absolute ruler can not accurately compute all of the information necessary to govern a realm. I think this stems from a lack of understanding on your part of what an absolute monarchy means. An Absolute Monarchy isn't a government where one person make all the decisions, it's where all the power in the state is invested into the central ruler and there is no checks or balances on their power. They can make any decisions they desire.

I should state for the record that I don't believe in monarchy, I believe in something in the middle of democracy and Feudal monarchy. Something like an Aristocratic Republic.

2020-04-28 02:29:17 UTC  

Oh my GOD

2020-04-28 02:29:25 UTC  


2020-04-28 02:31:13 UTC  

Hmm that's an interesting take, I'm gonna digest this one although it's also a night I have to wake up at 6 AM for so I need to sleep. So for tonight I'm gonna have to leave it at this

2020-04-28 02:32:06 UTC  


2020-04-28 02:32:10 UTC  

Thanks for the convo

2020-04-28 02:32:28 UTC  

Been awhile since i've had a good convo about ideology and monarchy lol

2020-04-28 02:33:18 UTC  

Np, I try to keep an open mind lol

2020-04-28 04:50:54 UTC  


2020-04-28 04:59:12 UTC  


2020-04-28 10:23:22 UTC  

fuck trannies

2020-04-28 10:23:24 UTC  

that is all

2020-04-28 10:23:26 UTC  

have a good day

2020-04-28 12:43:51 UTC  


2020-04-28 12:43:56 UTC  

what is the genda

2020-04-28 13:18:03 UTC  

castration on the agenda

2020-04-28 14:33:20 UTC  

pp soft

2020-04-28 16:21:38 UTC  

Well I mean there's this thing called gender dysphoria

2020-04-28 16:21:54 UTC  

It's equally as diagnosable as depression and anxiety

2020-04-28 16:22:18 UTC  

transsexualism is a medical procedure to alleviate psychological pain that stems from gender dysphoria

2020-04-28 16:22:30 UTC  

shouldnt be treated as anything but that

2020-04-28 16:22:57 UTC  

Many have it, which causes them to be another gender than the one assigned to them at birth

2020-04-28 16:23:37 UTC  

Gender dysphoria gives you distress because you feel like you shouldn't be the sex that you are

2020-04-28 16:24:05 UTC  

Gender reassignment surgeries simply make you the gender that you feel like you are

2020-04-28 16:24:22 UTC  

And does relive dysphoria

2020-04-28 16:24:53 UTC  

Trans people deserve to be treated just like their cis counterparts

2020-04-28 16:25:04 UTC  

Trans men are men, trans women are women