Message from @TheBritishGamer ❤🔑 (Meh)

Discord ID: 554570378127605781

2019-03-04 23:34:27 UTC  

@Deleted User thank you

2019-03-04 23:53:32 UTC  

Wouldn't it make more sense to call National Socialists "NatSoc" rather than Nazi?

2019-03-04 23:54:28 UTC  


2019-03-04 23:54:40 UTC  

In my opinion

2019-03-05 01:16:42 UTC  

Neo Nazis then

2019-03-05 01:29:23 UTC  

It is called natsoc in english

2019-03-05 01:29:27 UTC  

in german its Nazi

2019-03-10 17:40:12 UTC  

@Deleted User akshually NaHtZeEs dOn'T eXiSt AnYmOre

2019-03-10 17:40:24 UTC  

what retardation is this

2019-03-10 20:56:06 UTC  

@HisNameisBrentonTarrant They dont exist anymore

2019-03-10 20:56:23 UTC  

People who still follow Hitler are called Neo-Nazis

2019-03-10 20:57:43 UTC  

neon nahtzee huhwhite supremeicists

2019-03-10 21:15:42 UTC  

The fucking huhwhite man

2019-03-10 21:17:38 UTC  


2019-03-11 00:39:13 UTC

2019-03-11 00:39:19 UTC  

Modern america summed up in one meme

2019-03-11 00:39:38 UTC  

Look in economic issues

2019-03-11 00:40:12 UTC  

It’s **wild**

2019-03-11 01:39:52 UTC  

It's *okay* they didn't even say *better*

2019-03-11 06:08:20 UTC  


2019-03-11 07:44:41 UTC  

Only BLM and idiots in the Democrat Party would oppose someone saying All Lives Matter

2019-03-11 07:45:16 UTC  

Black Lives Matter damages more black lives than most police officers

2019-03-11 07:45:37 UTC  

Does that mean there aren't racist officers? No, but that doesn't mean BLM is in the right

2019-03-11 08:12:17 UTC  

No cop is racist unless theres evidence

2019-03-11 14:59:25 UTC  

Hello friends

2019-03-11 14:59:32 UTC  

Who wants to discuss race issues

2019-03-11 19:55:45 UTC  

When you really think about you aren't really racist until puberty when the sexual competition for women is more blatant. A lot of racism may just be due to advert sexual competition between different groups who may feel as if though there is scarcity when seeking to obtain high quality available mates.

2019-03-11 20:19:36 UTC  


2019-03-11 20:24:51 UTC  

BLM don’t do shit

2019-03-11 22:15:18 UTC  

well they do burn cars and loot shops

2019-03-12 01:11:42 UTC  

They only do negative shit like that
They’re not even doing anything to help the black community
They just riot and shit like wtf and then they be given out fuckin speeches about helping the black community and yet other blacks who try to be law abiding citizens and prosper will be called “Uncle toms” and will be told “to stop acting white”
If they wanna help the Black community they better start actually doing shit instead of coming out when a black person gets shot and then disappear for another 2 years or so

2019-03-12 01:16:28 UTC  

If only whites protested important issues with a similar ferocity we would not have many of the issues we are dealing with in society today.

2019-03-12 01:20:56 UTC  

i mean

2019-03-12 01:21:01 UTC  

kids aren't racist

2019-03-12 16:04:24 UTC  

@Deleted User people are always going to feel more kinship to those they grew around with. If a white person is raised around blacks, he's going to have a racial preference to be around blacks and to consort with them. Racism, in my opinion, really does not become an innate quality until the onset of puberty.

2019-03-12 16:27:20 UTC  

If there was a natural inclination towards one's race, then how come he was so drawn to black people?

2019-03-12 16:31:53 UTC  

The school I attend is mostly Hispanic, but there are some white kids and they tend to act out of their race so ig I understand.

2019-03-12 16:32:22 UTC  

some of the black kids too

2019-03-12 16:51:20 UTC  
