Message from @Billy Ray Jenkins
Discord ID: 408300488392441859
or some Jewish politician
Say for instance one of our operatives filmed a shall we say filthy tape of his daughter doing filthy things then released it online
revenge porn style
The problem is revenge porn is illegal in some nations
This is the type of fighting I want. Making these Kikes pay at every level
he deserved to die just for acting in glee 😄
Honestly and you can never be sure how much you can trust them
You wanna use self hating jews for this
Look at the most damaging thing that ever happened to the ADL
A movie called defamantion
Check out Norway’s ski team sweater
A bleeding heart cuck liberal jew
Basically sneaks in and show how neurotic and evil these people are
NRM symbol on shoulder
One thing I think about the Kikes and its so funny
Larry David is the only jew I find funny because the self-hatred practically drips off of him
No one was murdered at Charlottesville
no Jews were shot
Here you go
Curb Your Enthusiasm is chock full of antisemitic tropes and jokes
Watch this shit
Seen it
Like I have to think a goy couldn't get this
You would have to be atleast "half jewish"
Maybe we get a goy with a long nose
And the right lips
Fill him up with kike mores
And just see how he does
Hard to find a goy with jew lips however
mmyes i whole-bowledly agree with spirit on taht front in regards to the yenta poasting concept in regards to you just needed more of a guiding hand and some temperance.
This show is actually funnier post-Red Pill
Larry David is the only jew I'd have any pause before chippin'
jew self deprecation is nothing new
they normalized the anti-semitism