Message from @Sh0t

Discord ID: 658349422647967762

2019-12-22 15:51:52 UTC  
2019-12-22 16:11:44 UTC  

@Sh0t Dude you need to read your research correctly. It said RH positive not RH negative which is the rarest of bloods in the world that have no connection to a common ancestor.

2019-12-22 16:17:19 UTC  

Rhd = negative, RhD = positive

2019-12-22 16:22:58 UTC  

As she says up front for usage in her articles:
```For simplicity, RhD is used for Rh positive blood and Rhd is used for Rh negative blood in this series of blood articles. Blood types are: O, A, B, and AB.```

2019-12-22 16:30:03 UTC  

lol those comments

2019-12-22 16:31:54 UTC  

the real missing link

2019-12-22 16:31:57 UTC  

Remember these are the same people that say ancient civilizations had no chisels or tools to create elaborate structures like you see in India and else where across the world.

2019-12-22 16:32:52 UTC  

Continue being a Pepe game because ancient scripture and literature proves a lot of what today’s scientist claim is “debunked”

2019-12-22 16:33:10 UTC  

This also goes to show science is incapable of proving the most obvious of things.

2019-12-22 16:33:22 UTC  

Search up Cro Magnom

2019-12-22 16:34:15 UTC  

If there are multiple explanations, you are often in a complex domain where no simple process of analysis can answer. you can't run the tape backwards with any certainity in a reflexive system like evolution

2019-12-22 16:34:31 UTC  

the agents modifiy the system while the system is modifying the agents

2019-12-22 16:35:14 UTC  

what about Cro-Magnons?

2019-12-22 16:39:20 UTC  

Cro-Magnons were the first humans to have a prominent chin. The brain capacity was about 1,600 cc (100 cubic inches), somewhat larger than the average for modern humans. It is thought that Cro-Magnons were probably fairly tall compared with other early human species.

2019-12-22 16:40:51 UTC  

This explains why Europeans and Asians and middle eastern decent have some of the highest IQs. During the time an event known as the great flood had occurred after the ice age.

2019-12-22 16:41:06 UTC  

Also aligns with biblical scripture and historical evidence.

2019-12-22 16:41:54 UTC  

This also further backs my point on why whites are smarter than blacks because they rarely inherited the genetics.

2019-12-22 16:45:33 UTC  

Cro-Magnons went from Africa to Europe, the 'white' of Whites is one of the more recent traits, about 10k years old

2019-12-22 16:45:41 UTC  

Adam and Eve doesn’t make sense either because if so then we are some how the result of extreme inbreeding.

2019-12-22 16:46:03 UTC  


2019-12-22 16:46:11 UTC  

of course adam and Eve doesn't make sense, women didn't come from men, it was the other way around

2019-12-22 16:46:28 UTC  

thank you Mary Daly

2019-12-22 16:47:46 UTC  

No they didn’t, they started to flourish from a stat point up in northern Iran I believe is to be Arya

2019-12-22 16:49:10 UTC  

```Some 40,000 years ago, Cro-Magnons -- the first people who had a skeleton that looked anatomically modern -- entered Europe, coming from Africa. A group of geneticists, coordinated by Guido Barbujani and David Caramelli of the Universities of Ferrara and Florence, shows that a Cro-Magnoid individual who lived in Southern Italy 28,000 years ago was a modern European, genetically as well as anatomically.```

2019-12-22 16:49:26 UTC  

migration first, 'white'ness came later

2019-12-22 16:50:07 UTC  

You theory they orginated from Africa is incorrect.

2019-12-22 16:50:30 UTC

2019-12-22 16:51:36 UTC  

quote i pasted ref the first one, but it was written as it came out and doesn tuse the second

2019-12-22 16:51:52 UTC  
2019-12-22 16:52:11 UTC  

Exactly so your conspiracy theory that whites are African has been debunked!

2019-12-22 16:53:01 UTC  

I don't hold any such theories, I was just responding to your idea about cro magnon in relation to the rh negative blood issue

2019-12-22 16:54:10 UTC  

I’m literally displaying and talking about I actual fact and your here posting articles that say the opposite with no condensing facts from anthropologist.

2019-12-22 16:58:35 UTC  

there isn't much discussion on the Klyosov paper

2019-12-22 16:59:24 UTC  

this is also where my first paste came from :

2019-12-22 16:59:30 UTC  

which quotes the top paper in your pic

2019-12-22 16:59:48 UTC  

but not the Klyosov paper, but it was published before the pub date of the Klyosov paper

2019-12-22 17:00:58 UTC  

He is also the founder of that journal it was published in