Message from @I enjoy solid colour hoodies

Discord ID: 691092640250462219

2020-03-21 16:02:56 UTC  

it always baffles me when people hate the country they live or the people who made it great like shut the fuck up without them you wouldn't exist to have ur shitty opinions about them

2020-03-21 16:03:52 UTC  

deport people who burn the American flag and see how they like it in a 3rd world country

2020-03-21 16:04:19 UTC  

fucking retards

2020-03-21 16:04:49 UTC  

Oh, I love my country, but if I had the choice it would exist in a different way or not at all

2020-03-21 16:05:29 UTC  

then you hate ur country

2020-03-21 16:05:41 UTC  


2020-03-21 16:05:55 UTC  

wanting to fundamentally change ur country means you don't like most or all of it

2020-03-21 16:05:57 UTC  

We’re getting better, and that’s why I love it here

2020-03-21 16:06:08 UTC  

I like America where it is now

2020-03-21 16:06:37 UTC  

America was better in the 20th century when it wasn't so libby

2020-03-21 16:07:30 UTC  

Go to a Third world country, some are Capitalist and most hate the gays, I think you’ll like it there

2020-03-21 16:07:49 UTC  


2020-03-21 16:07:57 UTC  

honestly yeah

2020-03-21 16:08:24 UTC  

I still love America jus it's gotten worse

2020-03-21 16:09:00 UTC  

We’re going on a good direction

2020-03-21 16:09:59 UTC  


2020-03-21 16:10:18 UTC  

maybe if trump is prez for another 4 years we will be

2020-03-21 16:10:44 UTC  

Trump for 1000 years

2020-03-21 16:10:59 UTC  

this tbh

2020-03-21 20:51:28 UTC  


2020-03-22 01:15:25 UTC  


2020-03-22 01:15:46 UTC  


2020-03-22 02:55:08 UTC  

@Scaranon you want to talk about ancap

2020-03-22 02:55:54 UTC  


2020-03-22 02:56:47 UTC  


2020-03-22 02:57:53 UTC  

so in a ideal ancap society there is no government regulation and no laws every thing is deciding by trade

2020-03-22 02:59:20 UTC  

whats your main issue about an capitalism

2020-03-22 03:04:26 UTC  

No government

2020-03-22 03:04:29 UTC  

how will things work

2020-03-22 03:05:19 UTC  

hold on let me get my facts real quick

2020-03-22 03:05:22 UTC  


2020-03-22 03:05:26 UTC  


2020-03-22 03:07:46 UTC  

I think that most ancaps will admit that there has never been anything approximating an ancap society. They will instead say that all of the essential features of an ancap society have existed apart from one another in previous societies, so there is reason to think that a society which manifests all of these features could function (we might imagine, for example - and I am not referring to actual history here -, that there have been societies with democracy and societies without slavery, but, until a certain point in time, there has never been a society with democracy and without slavery at the same time; without good reason to think these features are incompatible, we have reason to think a society could function with both).

So what the ancap really needs to point to is cases where the sorts of essential, controversial features of an ancap society have operated in previous societies. It's not so hard to find cases where broadly 'radical libertarian' practices have existed in previous society: examples of successful private school systems, private charity or 'friendly societies', private healthcare, etc. I think the more controversial practices are private law, private law enforcement, and private defense.

2020-03-22 03:08:43 UTC  

The examples which I see brought up a lot as cases of polycentric law are medieval Iceland, medieval Ireland, certain parts of the Ottoman Empire, certain parts of medieval Europe, and modern corporate/civil law. The idea isn't that these are all for-profit capitalist legal systems (with the exception of modern corporate/civil law, where for-profit private adjudicators do exist), but that these are all cases where a decentralized network of legal authorities (in at least some cases, like medieval Ireland, where membership to any legal organization was at the member's discretion, meaning you can switch from one clan/legal authority to another of your own free will) produced and enforced a single legal order among themselves through negotiation. For that matter, I believe that England up until the 19th century is also used as an example here: the legal system was monocentric, but actual enforcement of the law - except where the state had an interest as in treason or some similar cases - was usually private... I think that ancient Greece operated this way as well, yes? The family of a murder victim was generally charged with bringing the murderer to justice, even though he was condemned and punished by the state.

I think that this much shows that, in at least some circumstances, there is very good reason to think that anarchocapitalism could produce a successful legal order. I reject ancap all the same for moral reasons, not practical ones, however.

2020-03-22 03:09:22 UTC  

was there any ancap revoulutions or ancap parties before

2020-03-22 03:09:28 UTC  


2020-03-22 03:09:55 UTC  

the ancap ideology is relatively new

2020-03-22 03:10:23 UTC  

When was it created

2020-03-22 03:10:34 UTC  

it has never been tried before so it's hard to say it will 100% work

2020-03-22 03:10:36 UTC  


2020-03-22 03:11:00 UTC