Message from @Teutonic Crusader

Discord ID: 671403054310096956

2020-01-27 17:11:45 UTC  

@Deleted User there was no freedom speech or women's rights. Instead we had plague and monarch that sucked the blood of peasants. First time when women's stood up for their rights is called the french revolution, today's world would have been nothing without it. So, take your toxic masculinity somewhere else and get your facts straight.

2020-01-27 17:12:03 UTC

2020-01-27 17:13:15 UTC  


2020-01-27 17:13:19 UTC  

I need to save that

2020-01-27 17:13:24 UTC  

The only difference between leftist and rightists is that, rightists are retards with no facts and just hate. That's why I respect left, atleast they don't jump on anyone and talk useless shit

2020-01-27 17:13:34 UTC  

That’s a big generalization

2020-01-27 17:13:44 UTC  

I hate very little and back up almost everything I say

2020-01-27 17:13:56 UTC  

So you just did exactly what you accused rightists of doing

2020-01-27 17:13:59 UTC  

Pretty ironic

2020-01-27 17:14:27 UTC  

I'm stating facts, not shit posting or harassing anyone

2020-01-27 17:14:33 UTC  

It’s not a fact

2020-01-27 17:14:40 UTC  

Show me a study that proves an increase in aggression

2020-01-27 17:14:43 UTC  

In right wingers

2020-01-27 17:14:47 UTC  

Or anything like that

2020-01-27 17:14:53 UTC  

Or did you just make a claim you can’t back up?

2020-01-27 17:15:31 UTC  

Ok, why are there harassment full memes against fat women's but not fat man's?

2020-01-27 17:15:36 UTC  

Both are fucking retarded

2020-01-27 17:15:53 UTC  

One is absolutist, the other one is totally subjectivist

2020-01-27 17:15:56 UTC  

How does that correlate

2020-01-27 17:16:01 UTC  

To a political spectrum

2020-01-27 17:16:02 UTC  

It does

2020-01-27 17:16:06 UTC  

Show me proof

2020-01-27 17:16:10 UTC  

Or are you making another claim

2020-01-27 17:16:12 UTC  

With no proof

2020-01-27 17:16:25 UTC  

Right winger

2020-01-27 17:16:35 UTC  

@Deleted User you’re alt right

2020-01-27 17:16:43 UTC  


2020-01-27 17:17:09 UTC  

The rightists mentality says " if a woman is fat, she is fat. But if a man is fat, he has a good soul and we shouldn't harass him".

2020-01-27 17:17:37 UTC  

Where is that quote from

2020-01-27 17:17:38 UTC  

Yeah that's not how it goes chief

2020-01-27 17:17:45 UTC  

Also that’s not how it works

2020-01-27 17:18:07 UTC  

You have yet to back up anything you said with actual information and are just speculating

2020-01-27 17:18:13 UTC  

You just accused right wingers of doing that

2020-01-27 17:18:16 UTC  

Then why are there more jokes about fat women but not fat man? Why is there fat harassing?

2020-01-27 17:18:30 UTC  

Fat harassment happens from both sides

2020-01-27 17:18:42 UTC  

It has nothing to do with a political spectrum

2020-01-27 17:19:01 UTC  

Nevy saw a leftist doing such shit, just lonely incels.

2020-01-27 17:19:09 UTC  

Well I have

2020-01-27 17:19:17 UTC  

Do y out survey everyone you meet about their political ideology?

2020-01-27 17:19:27 UTC  

There's literally people harassing both sides, the only reason the right might harass more the women is due to the feminist movement and trying to bait them. You easily make a woman man by calling her fat, a guy not so much

2020-01-27 17:19:28 UTC  

Also how is your one personal case an entire half of the political sprectrum