Message from @PenSHITLORD

Discord ID: 507692046664859648

2018-11-01 23:03:04 UTC  

Ok well dont be a bitch when I tell you we're trying to make some good shit

2018-11-01 23:03:12 UTC  

And you should have dm'd me

2018-11-01 23:03:14 UTC  

I baked anyways

2018-11-01 23:03:35 UTC  

didn tknow you were up I left a good paste so I hoped it would get picked up but I had been uip all night

2018-11-01 23:03:42 UTC  

you need linux too

2018-11-01 23:03:46 UTC  

I plan on night baking again the rest of my vaca

2018-11-01 23:03:57 UTC  

not gonna happen till I have another system

2018-11-01 23:04:03 UTC  

what kind of cpu

2018-11-01 23:04:11 UTC  

made since like 2008?

2018-11-01 23:04:11 UTC  

intel i7 7700k

2018-11-01 23:04:18 UTC  

No what you have now

2018-11-01 23:04:19 UTC  


2018-11-01 23:04:25 UTC  

intel core duo

2018-11-01 23:04:29 UTC  

is shit

2018-11-01 23:05:28 UTC  

you can run virtualbox

2018-11-01 23:05:51 UTC  


2018-11-01 23:06:28 UTC  

maybe but it wont be stable almost 100% garuntee

2018-11-01 23:06:39 UTC  

all you need is a tiny linux vm to push notifications to

2018-11-01 23:06:47 UTC  

Oh fucking god damn

2018-11-01 23:06:47 UTC  


2018-11-01 23:06:56 UTC  

I'll just make it windows too

2018-11-01 23:07:05 UTC  

my shits not amazing I told you I built it out of a pile of scrap

2018-11-01 23:07:31 UTC  

what version of android

2018-11-01 23:07:35 UTC  


What about VMware

2018-11-01 23:07:45 UTC  

Yeah but he might not have vt-d

2018-11-01 23:07:53 UTC  


2018-11-01 23:08:00 UTC  

Ok I'll make an app instead

2018-11-01 23:10:14 UTC  

that would be pretty dope I need to make more use of my mouse and keyboard at work because I cant do any moderation beyond dismissing reports on my phone

2018-11-01 23:10:31 UTC  

there is something fucky about 8ch and their integration with touch

2018-11-01 23:10:36 UTC  

its massivly inaccurate

2018-11-01 23:10:52 UTC  

>Mobile browsing is such cancer I'm literally making an app to circumvent the fact mobile browsing is cancer

2018-11-01 23:10:53 UTC  

and its the only site that has that issue that ive been on so far

2018-11-01 23:11:00 UTC  

It's horrible

2018-11-01 23:11:12 UTC  

honestly its not bad on every other site I visit

real good for the sausage fingers

2018-11-01 23:11:18 UTC  

at least not with this phone

2018-11-01 23:11:33 UTC  

I can use my dick to click on the computer, I'm not used to having to use my actual fingers to do something

2018-11-01 23:11:48 UTC  

while my pc is garbage my razer is next to top of the line

2018-11-01 23:11:53 UTC  

hell it was until a moth ago

2018-11-01 23:12:35 UTC  

Take note shills the goyim have figured out push notifications.