Message from @wͫ́í̯̭̭̆̾nͣͣŃT̥̥͕̈́.exͯ̈́̉e͋͆̐ͮ

Discord ID: 510456452767547393

Can't learn if ya don't do it

Vyvanse should get him going more

Hmmmm how do we get them goyim

All that cancer hit reddit too. Twas fun

They probably have different layers of comped individuals @PenSHITLORD

But theyre never regulars

Thats one thing i noticed

Also not alot of vc

Why do they talk like faggots in general

I mean 30% of server is shills soooo

2018-11-09 14:10:13 UTC  

At least 30% of the server is shills

Fresh from r/hiphopheads yuh

2018-11-09 14:10:24 UTC  


2018-11-09 14:10:46 UTC  

Doing fuck all is how you get a promotion

Thats right bella

Suck more dick

Thats how you get to the top

Damn straight my nigga

I enjoy it so its gud

2018-11-09 14:12:00 UTC  

Google image search “symbols”

2018-11-09 14:12:01 UTC  


I think im gonna go antique book shopping tbh

Sauce is in books

Google algos can scrub books and pdfs

Images i mean

Like the stmbols etc

Google img search wont do that for you for good reason

2018-11-09 14:13:20 UTC  

I don’t share You Tube for *you*, it’s for other people duh

Thats why I think scribed is gonna get ripped next

Once they can pull out images from bundled pdfs and sort

Which im sure they can do

But just havent yet

2018-11-09 14:14:42 UTC  

I was just joking that you are replaceable by google image search Ronald 😉

11 petaflop dick soooo

I aint been the qrv in months

Nice when antisitism isnt a sitewide rule