Message from @wͫ́í̯̭̭̆̾nͣͣŃT̥̥͕̈́.exͯ̈́̉e͋͆̐ͮ

Discord ID: 510451010423226378

Honestly I could see Q addressing it @PenSHITLORD

Paytriots in general

I was just reading about that @PenSHITLORD

Wait till after black friday

That 1070 cranks shit out


holy fuck dude

Thancc my nigga

Yea wtf with all the obvious "its the jews" spam on the breads this morning

Fucking spam

The pre packed tldr posts


bbbbut my balfor declaration

Fucking gay

I can't wait till that shit gets addressed

Ima grill btw

Yea and your point

I KNOW goyim

Landed niggas

Can't learn if ya don't do it

Vyvanse should get him going more

Hmmmm how do we get them goyim

All that cancer hit reddit too. Twas fun

They probably have different layers of comped individuals @PenSHITLORD

But theyre never regulars

Thats one thing i noticed

Also not alot of vc

Why do they talk like faggots in general

I mean 30% of server is shills soooo

2018-11-09 14:10:13 UTC  

At least 30% of the server is shills

Fresh from r/hiphopheads yuh

2018-11-09 14:10:24 UTC  


2018-11-09 14:10:46 UTC  

Doing fuck all is how you get a promotion

Thats right bella