Message from @Moooooooooooooo
Discord ID: 559552711951908876
Addresses the economic and cultural ramifications.
Excuse me what
every presidential candidate is investigated prior to any primary/election ..for security clearances approvals ...also for any criminal past that might violate the position of president or vp
while the ds/nwo was in control of the investigations kept getting blown over when a sitting congressional or senator was running for office of president ..or that person was part of the ds/nwo agenda
not anymore...every dem running has no idea whats coming...they'll get fresh new investigation for every one running for office of the president for 2020
only after they find the person cleared for security clearances and any criminal past, do they approve them for the office of president
considering what was discovered on hrc, just prior to the election ...she should have been disqualified but the ds/nwo had interfered with proper protocol
prageru is like redpilllite for normies who want to be introduced to conservatism. It's professional and presents itself really well
basically red pills anybody not ruled by emotion
this person apparently can't be cured
@Bukkakemon that’s why I thought it’d be good for a dad. Or at least to borrow some arguments and facts from. I think that Kevin Shipp video has potential to red pill to a little more advanced level. It’s big picture history all the way to current Spygate. Not bad. I’m not sure how it would play to someone who hasn’t heard it before though
@SirW00f it's a damn copypasta.
I was just about to share that 😂
Great minds think alike lol
How about this response to him lol
I thought the same thing. What a fake ass faggot
Excuse me, if there is not enough evidence to bring charges, there is not enough evidence to convict.... so if you cannot be found guilty of a crime then....
It’s laughable and pathetic the lengths they must go to to try and save face