Message from @Iamawesom
Discord ID: 301497140306378752
business statistics
so pleb stat?
nah i can't talk shit
fuck off you math jew
calc based stat is my last math class required
i cant just imagine all the numbers are shekels and make it work
wont finish dat till next spring
to beat the jew you must learn to math like the jew
>he doesnt want to master math and science to make the next holocaust a well oiled logistical machine
math is a jewish creation
meant to draw us away from the lord
For the next Holocaust, we need to open up more than 6 camps in Poland. It's terribly inefficient to transport every jew from France all the way to Poland
Also no swimming pools/theaters/bakeries/etc. This isn't a hilton hotel people
you use those things to fool them into a false sense of security
then BOOM the pool turns into electrical water that instantly vaporizes you
and the tailors across the street? turn them into lamp shades
I hope they bring back the Holocausters that drive you straight into the oven, the lion in the cage they fed jews to, and the homicidal masturbation machines. Truly the benchmarks of German engineering
the masturbation machines were the worst
how could those evil germans/poles do such a thing
FAcT chEKc
Stop watching porn.