Message from @Heisenberg
Discord ID: 500627701812428820
@Heisenberg Oi do you autists play with brown bricks in minecraft
Hi Heisenberg and frenz
Oi mate / re Johannez - no. show your TV Loicence
hello Free , whats up ?
we play DOOM on our 484er Komputer - no Meinkraft
mein Kraft durch Freude OI
This is advanced shitposting
this is krautchan high tech shitposting OI
re FREE and Johannez , why are you in ze Internetz ?
4th Reich when
the Reich is where WE are
when I am in ze subway and the shitskins cause trouble : max. Reich
he has to protect ze potatoes
OI ! show your TV LOICENCE
The Duce himself came to the Wolkenheim !!
what is this for - dabs
have no idea / re Zexal
must be the Dr. Mengele memorial school in Haifa