Message from @DoctorPiss
Discord ID: 276949320488583168
since this place seems pretty legit and serious, it could be an overflow place for shitposters
Invite them here as well.
i will do
I'll have more concrete plans tomorrow. Standby.
Nah, I'm down to organize semi seriously. Like National Action in the UK
@Tee CA I will be completely honest here. I used to be the biggest degenerate you'd had ever met. The majority of my aquiantances were zoophilic pedophiles and furries at the last stage of it, before I finally pulled myself up by my bootstraps and got out of it. It is completely possible. All you need is strength training and mental fortitude. All it is is an addiction; a habbit. Like smoking. It can very easily be broken.
Good on you fam
Thanks ober, have a good one.
@Odalist Refrain same here.
no honeypot I promise lol
got raided by buzzfeed then they didn't even have the courtesy to name my discord
Oy vey
shortly after that happened, this article popped up
@Mr.Fantasy - NY What was your ailment?
Post archive
They're not getting my click
hey fellas how about we drop this whole silly plan and just eat a big ol'pizza pie
@Odalist Refrain It's all good man. I don't see them that often anymore. Plus they're out of shape normies. As for me yeah, use to do the whole drug scene. Now I'm about that weight lifting and the 14 words.
I went into /pol/ as a lefty, and I wanted to know, "why do fags think so mean" but then I learned the truth. Free speech, is what leftists don't know, and they need to understand to communicate, and agree to disagree if that's the case. Chanting will not bring change but make it worse. Action like community service, real protest (not riots) bring change.
fatniggerpussy is using text to speech
we have to hear his shit in voice chat
pls make it stop
I like how they think spying does anything
yes i want them to just watch and feel helpless
@Tee CA Max bench? Max dead lift? How much do you lift before noon?
they can be the literal cuck in the corner
can be turned off but they didn't so it's oaky
its disrupting conversation
you nigger
i'll stop
thank you
talented tenth
I went into /pol/ as a literal ***Libertarian Antifa Who Listened to Dead Kennedys and had a Nazi Punks Fuck Off Armband***
And I took the redpill hard.
At first I thought it was rediculous. I came in right as the Shemitah posting came in.
libertarian isn't the worst thing to be
I went ito /pol/ already hating Mexicans and knowing that there were different races
Still largely the same