Message from @President_Donald_Trump
Discord ID: 304006695510605826
someone vet me real quick
she's lost bro, her soul will never be pretty again
Nah leave the butthole hairy
I dont wanna be associated with the raid
What raid?
Why? Poop filters are obnoxious
Sup /pol/
Ha. But really, the girl is pretty young. She really, REALLY fucked up, but we all change as we grow.
Hello Mr. President
Mediterraneans are white
What girl we're talking about
Hello God Emperor Trump.
Gross bitch
People doing Meds VS Nords thread are Jews.
She was hot in high school I saw
Shock and awe
The Greeks are extinct
Turks raped them
Pay denbts
I'm not a huge fan of blonde, but yeah she was a qt. But the real world tends to dispense redpills, all is not lost for her.
post your gay altknight seflies
who here /chainmail/
Me irl
When does it start guys
alright I'll join you negros later
@I'mGoingBerserk Acutally they didn't. Ethnic Turks mostly stayed in Anatolia and further. Even most people in Istanbul are still the descendants of Byzantines.
Someone vet me
When does it start guys
you look like a fed
In 3 hours?
Few hours. 7pm in alabama was it?
I repeat, requesting a good old fashioned vetting