Message from @FuQinGei

Discord ID: 687689577850601485

2020-03-12 07:28:23 UTC

2020-03-12 07:28:35 UTC  

Me during coofpocalypse

2020-03-12 08:21:45 UTC  


2020-03-12 10:43:39 UTC  

So this is the slow collapse. Amazing that we get to watch it happen IN REAL TIME

2020-03-12 10:43:59 UTC  

As oppsed to the hollywood 'It was all over so soon'

2020-03-12 11:48:15 UTC  

btc at 6k, i am financially ruined

2020-03-12 13:10:08 UTC

2020-03-12 13:14:31 UTC  


2020-03-12 13:31:00 UTC  

how dip will the dip go

2020-03-12 13:31:05 UTC  

and what do i buy

2020-03-12 13:42:25 UTC  

Coronavirus now confirmed in my city, city government recommending any gatherings over 50 people be reconsidered

2020-03-12 13:47:19 UTC  

reconsider gathering, citizen

2020-03-12 14:23:15 UTC  

> I'd rather you be my best friend that I can help and pick up, rather than a critic commenter
@Sega City#9862

2020-03-12 14:23:27 UTC  

aint that about the size of it

2020-03-12 14:56:18 UTC  

this place is just too negative

2020-03-12 14:56:49 UTC  

with the racism and subtle jokes I don't understand

2020-03-12 15:52:26 UTC  

>this place is just too negative with the racism and subtle jokes I don’t understand

2020-03-12 15:52:52 UTC  

oh fuck

2020-03-12 15:52:54 UTC  

time to get chinese aids

2020-03-12 16:46:36 UTC  

I love how people are still using my sign

2020-03-12 16:46:38 UTC  

I dont even know man

2020-03-12 16:46:43 UTC  

out of this world

2020-03-12 16:47:43 UTC  

Made it for some shit expliotable meme on facepunch years ago and has cropped back up with the brainlet meme. Feels nice knowing I've had a hand in memetic history

2020-03-12 17:06:23 UTC  
2020-03-12 17:06:56 UTC  

@KLATTERAL DAMIJ who were u on fp

2020-03-12 17:26:35 UTC

2020-03-12 17:30:09 UTC  

@Toren. Klatteral, mostly posted on the picturewar subforum.

2020-03-12 17:30:33 UTC  

thanks for superimposing an anime girl over something

2020-03-12 17:30:39 UTC  

that's the ONLY way I can pay attention to it

2020-03-12 17:33:32 UTC  
2020-03-12 17:33:35 UTC  

this shit slaps

2020-03-12 17:34:40 UTC  

oh fuck that takes me back