Message from @Fuckey Nasshole

Discord ID: 559114891621957637

2019-03-23 20:39:17 UTC  

it's retarded tbh

2019-03-23 20:39:22 UTC  

Are you an atheist

2019-03-23 20:39:26 UTC  


2019-03-23 20:39:29 UTC  

Lol fag

2019-03-23 20:39:34 UTC  

no u

2019-03-23 20:39:43 UTC  

I'm a proud helicoptersexual

2019-03-23 20:39:56 UTC  

@Pelkinis What's your opinion of atheists, pagay?

2019-03-23 20:40:59 UTC  

they are just chriskikes who lost their faith completely

2019-03-23 20:41:14 UTC  

>uses Turul as name
>not shamanist

2019-03-23 20:41:24 UTC  

christianity is a step towards atheism

2019-03-23 20:41:24 UTC  

There's muslims that went atheistic though, dumbass

2019-03-23 20:41:30 UTC  

As well as chinks

2019-03-23 20:41:37 UTC  

I chose this name to show off national identity not a religious one @Husania

2019-03-23 20:41:43 UTC  

chinks are jews

2019-03-23 20:41:57 UTC  

Chinese are Jews

2019-03-23 20:42:05 UTC  

muslims are still abrahamics

2019-03-23 20:42:16 UTC  

No they're not.

2019-03-23 20:42:18 UTC  

@Turul nothing wrong with that, im agnostic myself

2019-03-23 20:42:24 UTC  


2019-03-23 20:42:25 UTC  

@Fuckey Nasshole yeah they are

2019-03-23 20:42:58 UTC  

Mohammad just took alot of stuff from Judaism in an unsuccessful attempt to convert the Jews. It doesn't actually have any Abrahamic origins because he just pulled it out of his ass.

2019-03-23 20:43:47 UTC  

idk where nassie gets her islamic info from but its absloutley retarded

2019-03-23 20:43:55 UTC  

probably fomr shit like islamqa

2019-03-23 20:44:12 UTC  

@Fuckey Nasshole You're not allowed to talk about Islam anymore

2019-03-23 20:44:21 UTC  

Last time I demanded a fair debate

2019-03-23 20:44:22 UTC  

you fled

2019-03-23 20:44:37 UTC  

her shit is wrong as well

2019-03-23 20:45:00 UTC  

Tried JUST to clarify the informations she assimilated from NPC sources

2019-03-23 20:45:11 UTC  

not sperg about herself or about her religion

2019-03-23 20:45:12 UTC  

She left

2019-03-23 20:45:24 UTC  

I can talk about Islam all I want, goat rapist. I just don't like debating with people who pull shit out of their ass and present it as facts while ignoring and denying all the actual facts.

2019-03-23 20:45:30 UTC  


2019-03-23 20:45:36 UTC  

"actual facts"

2019-03-23 20:45:39 UTC  


2019-03-23 20:45:52 UTC  

Nigga thats african

2019-03-23 20:45:54 UTC  

the baltic man is clearly superior

2019-03-23 20:45:59 UTC  

u take whatever bad shit some jew tells u and present it as "actual facts"

2019-03-23 20:46:05 UTC  

>goat rapists
>pulling infos from their ass
Pretty civilized mind

2019-03-23 20:46:06 UTC  

i can do the same w christianity

2019-03-23 20:46:13 UTC  

Debating with you is like debating with a pro-vaxxer, aka completely pointless and a huge waste of time.