Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 463374089180938240
Putin is loved by his people and is treated with respect by most and those who disapprove are treated how people should be treated if they disrespect their president
As a note my post on the reddit was taken down originally claiming I mocked the president so I reuploaded it. I wasn't trying to mock him I was being serious with the petition.
There's still people who unironically support trump?
People who arent so backwards and poor that they have access to the internet
fuck me
indeed, fite me
Scrolled trough the <#363484008690221066> channel for a while
I hope this place is purely satirical
Poe's law applies pretty hard here
hhave you guys seen lauren southerns farmlands documentary?
the whites are being slaughtered left right and centre in south africa
so sad
documentary about whites being slaughtered
@Sollair This is and always will be a Trump supporter server. You can stay, but be nice..Nah, you should probably just leave. You've already written us all off with your smug attitude.
Are Negros Closer to Apes Than to Humans?
Are these facts in the museum:
The negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than that of the White, is prognathous ; i.e., the lower face projects forward in the manner of an animal's muzzle. The negro jaw is substantially longer, relative to its width, than the White jaw. A feature of the negro lower jaw is its retention of a vestige of the "simian shelf," a bony region immediately behind the incisors. The simian shelf is a distinguishing characteristic of apes, and it is absent in Whites.
They emit a peculiar offensive body odor similar to apes.
Just as their black skin protected them from the intense African sun, they are inherently lazy in order to prevent over exertion in that intense sun.
The arms and legs of the negro are relatively longer than the European. The humerus is shorter and the forearm longer thereby approximating the ape form.
The eye often has a yellowish scierotic coat over it like that of a gorilla.
The negro has a shorter trunk; the cross-section of the chest is more circular than Whites. Similar to an ape.
The pelvis is narrower and longer as it is in an ape.
The negro has a larger and shorter neck akin to that of apes.
The ears are roundish, rather small, standing somewhat high and detached thus approaching the ape form.
The jaw is larger and stronger and protrudes outward which, along with lower retreating forehead, gives a facial angle of 68 to 70 degrees, like an ape, as opposed to a facial angle of 80 to 82 degrees for Europeans.
The three curvatures of the spine are less pronounced in the negro than in the white and thus more characteristic of an ape.
The two bones proper of the nose are occasionally united, as in apes.
Taxonomists and geneticists believe that negros should be classified as different species. In fact, Darwin declared in The Descent of Man that the negros are so distinct that similar differences found in any other animal would warrant their classification as a different species.
Coon, Carleton S. The Origin of Races, 1962, Alfred A. Knopf
Howells, William. Mankind So Far, Doubleday, Garden City, NY
Weisman, Charles A. The Origins of Race and Civilization, 1990
oh no
Muh race hurr durr
Ethno nationalists are idiots.
And are tarnishing Trump and the MAGA movement.
He dismissed them, and David Duke and all that bullshit. So don't come on this server and try to make us all look bad with this crap. The South Africa farmer thing is one thing...but that other shit has to GO.
What any of them do personally is their business.
IDK who they date. Has zero effect on me.
shame that lauren wasnt killed in south africa
one of the worst far right propagandists
Is this server full of libtards now?
Some weak ass propagandists in here
Also, i'm all for political humor. So the idea that any of this has an emotional effect on me is nil.