Message from @patton283
Discord ID: 685136180341375016
Mute the chat if you don't want to see girls
more hotties please
... I sure hope that is in a proper holster.... because it doesn't look like there's a holster imprint of any kind. *gun safety nazi intensifies*
If you look at her twitter page, she actually says she has a holster on
ah k. I don't have/use twitter sooo
@IamTHE3percent that first one can get it
Real hot
Nani el blyat am I looking at
more hotties ples
get that degenerate shit out
someone physically remove that guy please
I have mixed feelings about this one
TikTok is cancer, but the girl is fire
She a Hottie
>mall ninja poly-plastic weak arm baby bow
My man over here using modern compound bows... Just use an English Longbow damn
Am I a HoTtIe FoR TrUmP