Discord ID: 320175980801163267
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Hello yall
I have a rare photo of trump chan
(Its anime trump
Wait we have a girls frontline emote
Thats not how reactors work
Youd need everything that happened in chernobyl to occur
And thats still a non nuclear explosion
For that to occur, you need 80% enriched U-235, while most reactors are using 3-5% U-235
See i can wait
Deport @Aquila
For me the host aint responding
Look i am studying for nuclear engineering
Some dude thought a reactor could explode like a nuke
To kill GEOTUS
I got a lot of nuclear science books
*when the dosimeter goes haywire*
@Sleepy-Gary depends
Prolly only person here with an anime PFP
Let me be a weeb i just wont bring it here
Look: i keep anime a politics seperate
Execpt for that one trump chan image i have
.win is down, for everyone
If you ask again i will get the fucking luger
Calm the fuck down
.win is having host issus
Prolly DDOS
Cloudflare is shitty
Explain in layman terms for the non nerds @Sleepy-Gary
Neither do i
I can explain a reactor but not networks
Lefties cant handld free speech sites so we goto a good site
The PH thing is wrong
They act like retards
But can get stuff done if they work toward it
Case and point
He will not divide us season
Women belong in the kitchen
55 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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