Message from @Twistr360
Discord ID: 694187505947508926
Could slip through by actin strait, but I haven’t seen one yet
yeah they are slippery bastards
probably all that anal lube
i heard its not gay if its just the tip 🙂
Can confirm.. Just the tip is not gay.. Also no kiss.. That shit is gay as phuck..
y'all fuckin horny lol
Very unchristian of them tbh
Is he gonna use the handgun to do what I thing he is?
Eliminate that unholy woman?
For the trolls
@mods <:deport:670895539012894720>
@zettapede penguino deport?
Am I in heaven ?
do you feel better now, young cuckold?
it's funny how every one of these leftist cucks that comes in here sounds the same
they never have anything intelligent to say
no logical reasoning abilities
no facts
All brainwashed to say the same things.
just emotions and comments that scream "i'm a retarded NPC sheep!"
What the fuck was that gay shit I just glanced at, over.
I believe it was democrats, idk
Prob Sanders supporters.
@Criostoir how you get vetted lime green?
It’s a nitro booster color